Config backup parse error

NethServer 7.9.2009

Has any one got any ideas on this backup error below?

[root@nethserver ~]#  echo '{"action":"run-backup-config","name":"testbackup"}' | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-backup/execute | jq
parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 6

Note - This machine has had a lot of testing so it might be something that is caused because of the testing over the years. So it may be something not worth fixing. If I can not take a config backup with the tool because of this fault. Is there is there recommended process for taking a manual config backup on an old Nethserver and restore on a new Nethserver installation, like a DB backup and restore commands?

Please re-run the command without the trailing " | jq", so that we can see what’s at column 6 in the raw output.

I ran the code you suggested and the backup worked and now I can also run backups via the Cockpit. Thank you. I wonder why…

I managed to take a backup but restoring the backup to a fresh copy of Nethserver does not seem to do anything. Left restore on default. It takes quite sometime to run but then I do not recieve an error. No user accounts created and no software is installed. Also data backups fail.

I have searched through the manual and wiki but can not find any reference. Is there is there recommended process for taking a manual config backup on an old Nethserver and restore on a new Nethserver installation, like a DB backup and restore commands? Is there recommended process for taking a manual data backup and restore? The two main apps are Webtop and Nextcloud.

The backup of the configuration is stored in a (compressed) tar file. You can view its content with:

tar -tvf /var/lib/nethserver/backup/backup-config.tar.xz

Data is stored in the data backup, which is not a file, but a kind of archive, depending on the engine you use.

Is there a process for taking a manual data backup and restore? The two main apps are Webtop and Nextcloud?

The command to run is backup-data. Details in the manual.