Compare 2 folder Nextcloud NS8

Hi everyone
I have an installation of nextcloud on Nethserver8 and two users have the same name folder and now the customer want to share the folder, but before do that i need to compare these two folders to see the difference.
How can i do that in NS8?

HEllo @Denis_Pollini this not a NS only related matter,

However, I would look at it from this perspetive.

let the admin create a single folder and share them with the 2 parties.
The first party will then copy files from their folder to the new folder.

then the second party will copy their files as well to the new folder, if files exists, options would be to overide or leave.

Someone might have a better idea…

Are these folder originating from SAMBA Shares?

The difference in what? Filename, latest version, contents of file, number of files?

File,subfolders,contents of file etcetc

maybe this helps 10 Best File Comparison and Difference (Diff) Tools in Linux