Ok, 120 is my best
You are at the command… but 120, it’s too easy
look at the like collector, it seem “can be awarded multiple times” don’t work
Perhaps, it not reset after rewarded
Man, 120 days consecutive are 4 months where you have to login EVERY single day, no exceptions. It looks hard for me, as a matter of fact there are only two winners as for now
You are the CMGR, you have the last word…
But, since I’m here, I’m connecting each day, so this one not seem too hard to achieve.
You ask me my thoughs about the “badge” path… I think 4 months to achieve a gold level path is little short, I think six month should better., there silver badge harder to earn…
I don’t like. It’s not only that fact I’m like or not.
It’s the way to achieve them.
If you look the badge “contributor”, there only one gui who achieve it…So a badge “great contributor” seem absurd.
I think the badgs, actually are globally fine.
Few of them have problems ( the way they work like promoter) or counters that have problems ( like collector).
I think it’s the way to achieve them that should be balanced…
But if you to give me a special one, I already accept
I said that it was easy
Verify the badge
Or the description… It’s 100 or 120 ?
Wrong description, it’s 120, just edited.
Sti caz…ehm congratulations guys!!!
The community badges are “un vacilón” A fun way to stimulate that “still young” we all have.
I enjoy the discussion in this thread about that
- … 120 is nothing
- But for 4 months course it is! Did you hear?
LOL it’s nice and funny
We are tribe , we are a good group of boy scouts . JAJAJAJ just imagine a tribe of Hobits!
Seriously… I can infer - as a Venezuelan citizen, of legal age, proud father, a professional of my homeland - the “badges community” enable presenters to better manage the community participation , skills, strengths and interests .
I said. Thank you
Heu… How to say that?..
It’s time for @alefattorini to provide a better screen, or another notebook for me.
I don’t have enought place to see all my badges
Yet another proof that these badges ( promoter, campainer and champion badges) don’t work as excpected.
Look this community:
( 3790 at this time, the bigger Discourse community I know )
And look how many achieve the promoter, campainer and champion badges…
( 0 at this time )
It’s easier to make a conclusion with lot of numbers:
My recommendation is “turn off” these badges
Are you sure? https://meta.discourse.org/badges/25/promoter
Bigger community undoubtly.
But 25 from 16529… 0.15 % …Really poor ratio
Edit: The name link make me wrong…
There’s 21 from 16529… 0.12%
And take a look at campaigner badge
only 2… 0.0015%
It seems that something is break with the Bronze level badge:
Probably there’s one condition or more to trigger the badge that doesn’t work…
Where are my badges?
Few time ago I was 39 badges, I can prove 38 with a screenshot above ( ealier in this discussion)
I’ve got today only 36 !!!
It’s a bug or a worm which eat my badges…
Or a bad guy stole my precioussssssssssssssssssss
Edit: And normally I have numerous times the “small like collector”
Tomorrow I’m going to check it out
hahaha !
and this helps us get v7 otd faster how?
Wow, I just opened my profile and saw my badges…
…my first thought was that I’m spending too much time on the forum and not nearly enough time trying to learn dev skills to get v7 out…
All the time spent here is spent well