Cockpit -> Software Center: several updates with 2 nethserver-firewall-base-ui listed

Today, I have a seen a little bug in Cockpit -> Software Center:

  • Several updates (no problem here) but there were 2 nethserver-firewall-base-ui in the list but in reality it was only one.

Can you look for solve this bug?


Not just the nethserver-firewall-base-ui:



Thank you for reporting!

Actually there are multiple release for the same RPMs, but I agree with you that is not what the user is expecting to see.

The UI should display only the newest update along with details.
Probably we need to change both the UI and the API.

Since it’s just a cosmetic I will add it at the bottom of my todo-list.
If someone want to try creating a fix, look at the /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-packages/list-updates helper. We should probably compare the list of RPMS using from pkg_resources import parse_version.

I suggest a different approach and show package version that is very helpful. I opened the bug: follow it to updates.

I will publish PR in some minutes.

Actually the version should be displayed after clicking the “Details” button, but we can also move it on the right of the package name.

What do you think is better?

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I think is better to show on the right of the package.
Actually is not shown by clicking details button.
We can solve two problems in one.

Why have and extra click for something so trivial. I vote add the version next to the package.

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@federico.ballarini opened a PR but in the meanwhile we found the commit which caused the regression.

Now it has been reverted and the page looks like it was back then:

Still, we are not really satisfied. How can we improve it? @federico.ballarini would you try something?

In the meanwhile, you can update from testing to receive such fix.

I think that a quick view of new version number can be helpful. I’ll try to do something non-invasive.

Thank you for your fix. I will update you asap.

I think that we have to keep Details button because packages are grouped, but we can improve versioning view.
And also it can be helpful to add Installed packages button (as NethGUI).

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Here is my work!

  • updates counter works properly (count packages)
  • added installed packages button
  • improve new version view

What do you think?

You can install and test with:
yum update -y

@giacomo Please review that when you are free :slight_smile: