ClearOS refugee how can we help you?

Hi @MadPatrick

Currently i am working on Logitech media server as NS8 module, (currently alpha).
The successor is Lyrion media server, this i intent to provide as NS8 module as well. When i have LMS in place Lyrion should be straight forward.
Hopefully i can get it on the NS8 Application list some day.



Well done and welcome! :wink:


Congratulations on the move from ClearOS to NS7 @MadPatrick !

NS8 is definitely getting there and picking up speed on the maturity side.

Look forward to hearing of your experiences with Nethesis.


It looks like it is all over with ClearOS.
The forum and service are now for few weaks completly offline

It was good and stable distro, but due bad management killed.
Chapter closed.

After Zentyal another big passed away

That’s why Nethserver must grow stronger