Clarification for OnlyOffice Integration

Hello Team,

I’ve been following the integration of OnlyOffice Document Server for Nextcloud. We have Nextcloud installed on our Nethserver but to date I’ve installed OnlyOffice Document Server on a separate server. I do this because I’m concerned if I ever wanted/needed to upgrade OnlyOffice Document Server, I don’t want my Nethserver Server broken from a failed OnlyOffice upgrade.

What is the future for OnlyOffice? Is it going to be a third party app we need to install/support ourselves? Or will OnlyOffice be a supported Nethserver App one day from the Marketplace?

Thank you.

There are still some problems with Onlyoffice integration as regards nodejs and upstream changes so it will take some more time until it’s safe to provide it with the Software Center.

Collabora is an already integrated alternative.

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Hello @mrmarkuz and thank you for this reply and update on the status of OnlyOffice being integrated into Nethserver.

I’ll take a peek at Collabora but will probably wait for OnlyOffice integration. For now I’ll continue with running OnlyOffice on a separate server.

Thank you.