I wanted to change the port of owncloud from 80/443 to another port, since they are occupied. In which configuration files should I change the port. I changed it in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf in the Listen field, but I didn’t work. So I guess I have to change in other files aswell right?
I suppose NethServer is not your gateway.
In this case I suggest to create a port forward from another port, example: from port 8080 of you gateway to port 80 of NS.
We have a router as default gateway and a server. Port 80/443 is already used by another server (Windows Server) that belongs to someone else. So I wanted to use Port 666 as the ownCloud port. I already configured Port Forwarding on the Router.
This is a very common scenario, you don’t need to change any port on NS.
Simply create a port forward with a different source port than 80/443.
gateway:8080 → ns:80
gateway:8443 → ns:443
Then you will be able to access ownCloud installation from you public IP on port 8080 and 8443.
The port forward chain looks like this at the moment
router:8843 -> nethserver:8843 -> localhost:443
OK, it works now - I just added the public ip to the trusted domains. It is pretty slow though - might be because of my slow internet connection. I will check it out later.