Change first eMailaddress - virtual domain email

Hi Guys!

there will always round …

One thing is me a little amiss and that the e-mail accounts.
I have an internal domain (bigApple.lan) and external domain (, when I add a user account is created a benutzer@bigApple.lan always in Sogo.
I have also set up an email address, assigned it to the user.
Under User/Services displayed correctly - but not as implemented in Sogo.

Where can you lend a hand so that works right?


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Hi Gerald,

I wonder also said two days ago Specifically, since I have discovered for myself NethServer. I can write a mail with the Endung.lan, .com or create a user. Only the email address ending appears .lan in SOGo

Greetings from Hessen,

  1. on Configuration => Email : create your email domain
  2. on Management => Users : create your $user and on the Services Tab uncheck the “Create default email addresses” option
  3. on MAnagement => Email Addresses : create your email $ and on the account folder assign the mailbox to $user


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Is the issue the same?

@davidep now i’m afk, i’ll give a look when i come back to the office

Good morning Absinth H,

there is no way to send with another adress like the first. I have done all the steps from your post.
For example: i can create a mailadress like and a second adress like
In SOGo i can send only with

It was tested by me with two totaly new useraccounts on the Nethserver.



Hi all,

the problem is that it always with the username, the email account is created, no matter what is set in the section eMail.

This is also seen in the screen shots.

The goal is:
Username gerald
desired email address gerald.musch @
nandlnet.lan internal domain
external domain (virtual mail domain)

state of play:
Username gerald
created eMail: gerald@nandlnet.lan

Sure, I may as local domain adjust, but that I do not actually, as I do not want to create another login name.

In Zentyal this went out of the box, possibly can peek even once;-)

many greetings from sunny Bavaria

Hello everybody!

It’s on mice milking, everything works except the thing that the local e-mail address is supplied as standard.

No matter what you set from e-mail; Sogo do not care where the local user @ domain is always created.
While you can change all the information under Sogo, sender name. Change the From email and it all works - but a tree is always created with the local user @ domain created.

Neither a glorious idea?

Am I the only one who has such a problem?



you are not alone. Same problem here. And no idea what’s to do to solve this problem
I have four different maildomains. And i will sent with .com, .de, .net and maybe .org
But SOGo and also roundcube accepted only the first one. And that is ending with .lan



Thanks guys for reporting it, guess it’s a bug of 2.2.15 on NethServer
You should see all addresses associated with your account/username on email addresses panel
I’m trying to investigate and fill out a new bug

Hi friends,

any news regarding the problem with the email addresses?



If I remember correctly, it’s ON_QA:

To check the bug fix please type:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing clean all
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-sogo


Fast like a lightning! :wink: please @transocean let us know about your tests!


Wonderful!! This looks very good.



I’m relieved !!

10 out of 10 points !!!

Thank you

@gerald_FS @transocean could you install the RPM from nethserver-testing? It’d be useful having feedback directly from you who discovered the bug

I must point out this bug fix partially reverts a previous correction, thus the original defect comes back.

Please guys, try a fresh install and an update of an existing installation. We have to cover both cases

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Hi @ all,

same problem as before after a fresh installation with all updates.

No problems on the fresh installation after execution of

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing clean all
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-sogo

But there is something mysterious. After completion of the two commands is now the domain .de the first domain. appears in SOGo. Before, it was the domain with the extension .com.



Sorry, it has been updated, now:
Please try again with:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing clean all
yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update nethserver-sogo-1.5.0-1.4.g5521248.ns6.noarch.rpm