Is it possible to change the virus scanner for mail and proxy? When SME everything was solved by Includes anyone has thus tried anything like this before?
I have changed clamav with KLMS (Kaspersky). I also tested Dr.web, but not in production.
Do you have information for Sophos?
Amavis works
What about the proxy, there is an include file that another Virescanner with incorporating?
The antivirus should offer an ICAP adapter.
eCAP should work, I’ve never tested it.
Why do I get a user and admin no info about a virus infection? In the Amavis.conf settings make no effect, where can I customize?
You should set enabled this prop, then signal-event nethserver-mail-filter-save:
# config show amavisd
where and how do I have to register? in one of the templates “/etc/e-smith/templates/etc/amavisd.conf/”
I find it
config setprop amavisd AdminNotificationStatus enabled
signal-event nethserver-mail-filter-save
Show config show amavisd
and a user notification?
What do you mean by “user”?
I would like that also gets the user an email with a virus attack