Certificate for MAIL on NS8

Distribution: Rocky-9.2
NethServer Version: 8 beta
Module: mail

Hi all,

I am on a LOCAL virtual machine.

On my main server PASSERELLE, I created one Let’s Encrypt certificate for the 3 names below:

I deleted the mail certificate from Rocky-9.2/NS8 as it was marked unloaded.

I copy the archive directory of mail.rocky.toto.org of PASSERELLE to my station then I uploaded to Rocky-9.2/NS8.

Then, I tried to create a Thunderbird account on a Ubuntu-22.04LTS.

When Thunderbird asked me to accept imap.rocky.toto.org certificate, I clicked View and that’s what I saw:

It was impossible to connect:

The configuration, username or password are probably incorrect.

I rebooted the NS8 server to no avail.


Before uploading the Let’s Encrypt certificate for mail, keeping the original mail one on NS8, I deleted all the certificates from Thunderbird and tried to create a user accout in Thunderbird.
I received different certificates on different trials.



What I did wrong or how to do it properly ?


Thanks to Amelie for reviving this topic (see Configurable SANs in Mail TLS certificates · Issue #6913 · NethServer/dev · GitHub). As there’s a similar discussion in another thread I’m closing this one.