CentOS Linux to CentOS Stream discussion

I was more referring to the 2 parts IBM is going to split up. Will it be the remaining IBM part or the NewCorp part…

The remaining part (Still called IBM) will focus on Cloud (heavily based on Openstack).

NewCo is where the legacy IBM activities will go

(all just from hearsay from a little birdie :wink: )

What’s up, Buster?




Does a fork will born :slight_smile:

I love this one too



They will damage the base… CentOS is not going to be a RedHat Clone, It is going to be a Rolling Release loosing the stability.

The red hat subscription is around 800US!!! for my clients is not possible to pay that.

We are in problems, we will have to rebase the system to debian or Branch CentOS to new Operating system.

Another Zentyal will come with this new feature!!!



What year is this? Oh, 2020…

I was also very disappointed yesterday, the news came just after I have set up everything on a new CentOS 8 installation ready to launch an (upgraded) eCommerce site… Today I made a backup and reinstalled the VPS with Debian - first time ever, it will be fun (not!).

I think there is a chance that either the community let IBM to change it’s mind, or the CentOS Steam will be good enough for production, or somebody forks CentOS (the original CentOS creator is already thinking about it). Maybe it will stay alive, but it is easier to postpone the launch of the new site than change the server under it next year. Who knows when would be a stable fork available.

Btw, last night discussion already started in the NethServer 8 topic:

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A men have to do what a men have to do!!! Rebase to debian Or CentOS Clone!!!


Rocky Linux a community driven RHEL clone is borning… NethServer 8 will be in another base.

Let’s speculate about the Rebase:

The big companies thinks that for expand the market, they have to damage the product, sorry all by the strong words, I’m making a bussines poposal based in CentOS… Not another Zentyal please, I’ll pay the susbcripton for each server, but not another Zentyal…

Thanks for hearing me.


Hi all,

Remember when RedHat, around RH-7.x, wanted to charge for the distro, the community revolted so much that RedHat saw their mistake and released Fedora.

Even though RedHat/CentOS has a very large share of the Linux market, if it doesn’t wake up, it will suffer the same fate as Novell, disappearing into darkness !



While I’m now happy to be one of those who asked to wait before working on NethServer 8, I think that CentOS Stream could be a good opportunity for Red Hat to accept more contributions from projects like NethServer.
And we could benefit from more up-to-date software packages.
It remains to be seen if and how they will accept contributions outside the fields they care about most.

Personally, I’m not particularly afraid of the stability issues that a rolling release could bring.


But what about the ability and continuity to tailor CentOS to a NethServer instance?
Until now, NethServer is a distribution that is running either on a physical server or virtualized (the latter more and more) but most of the time on premises as an one-fits-all solution.
In the meantime we are looking towards new(er) technologies so we can easily add integrated services to NethServer. Looking at Docker, Ansible and hybrid solutions that combine an on premises server(s) with ‘cloud’/DC based services. And adding private cloud solutions and webservices (Nextcloud Hub, SOGo, Moodle, etc)
Looking at the (professional) userbase and the community, I think these services should stay available with current and future versions of NethServer. And we need to ensure continuity in both these services and in migration from current version to future version(s) of NethServer.
The big question is: will ‘we’ be able to guarantee this towards all Neth users?

Looks like the Fork for CentOS Linux is getting in shape: https://github.com/hpcng/rocky

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Hi Filippo,

I do not share your optimism at all.

I have read all the comments on: CentOS Project shifts focus to CentOS Stream – Blog.CentOS.org.

It’s much more ferocious than when Red Hat made its first mistake when he wanted to charge for its distro during RH-7x time. It had to shut down its blog due to the acid reaction from the community. He came back with a candy: “Fedora”. This time, 2 candies called: STREAM and “free license for developers”. At that time, it was “only” to put a price on a distro. FreeBSD did it more elegantly…

The community never forgets! (It’s on the internet… forever)

This time, it’s a stab in the back by reducing the EOL of C-8 from 2029 to 2021; ask the migrators from C-7 to C-8. It is not like reneging your word but more like “sh … ing” on it ! What will IBM$ make them do next ?

The STREAMING will only be for the “dindons de la farce” who will become BETA TESTERS.

This time, we have to completely change the distro and pick the right one: Debian, OpenSuSe, FreeBSD, or even Ubuntu …



Hi Rob,

It will be like LIbreOffice with OpenOffice . I wish them all the luck.

But still, it will be based on RedHat which is now run by the money hungry IBM$



Hi All

I’d strongly advocate a move to a Debian base.

A) They’ve been around among the longest.
B) They provide extremly sleek and stable distros
C) They also have a very good LTS persptive
D) No company behind them, which can negate or be bought.

Ubuntu has the same D problem, and OpenSuse is not really an option…

I also wish the new Centos guys good luck, but we need some real long term options… :slight_smile:

I’d also have no problems with FreeBSD, i’ve been a BSD user for over 25 years now (all three).
Besides which, who doesn’t use OpenSSH, and that comes from the mind of Theo de Raadt, the guy who created OpenBSD…
But as a Proxmox user, I see what a wonderful basis OS they have running there, and I also see this on my Raspberry, it’s also Debian based…

My 2 cents


New here, but I would strongly agree with Andy to consider Debian and unchain nethserver from the whim and changing desires of corporate control.

Nethserver is at a cross roads and already asking for direction regarding Centos so this is the perfect time for IBM/redhat to have made obvious their desire to monetize and willingness to break a commitment made on the longevity of Centos 8. Even if they backtrack, why should IBM/redhat be trusted on this going forward.


To add to my first comment, going with another fork RHEL will have issues as well. Even the one by the Centos founder who I’m sure has the best intentions in the short and long-term but it’s not a 1 or even 3 person job to Reestablish Centos and maintain it for another 10 years with constant and high-quality/stable updates. Maybe if he merges with something like Springdale Linux and time, resources and brain power is more collaborative. I hope it works out, but hope is not something to base nethserver on.

Debian is there. Debian is not owned. Debian is not based on another product. Debian already has the people power, resources and infrastructure to survive and can be trusted to build a product off with multi-year and long-term plans.


…and would require pretty much a ground-up rewrite of everything that makes Nethserver, Nethserver.

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It’s also the reason the Mint Linux guys created a “backup” strategy based on Debian, instead of Ubuntu. Sure, they still use Ubuntu underneath, but they’re ready, if ever Canonical or whoever owns them pulls the plug.

My 2 cents


Yes, it would. So not a decision to be made lightly. My inconsequential vote would be not to base nethserver 8 on the hope ibm/redhat won’t pull the rug out from under you again in the near future.

Macbeth: ‘If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well / It were done quickly’