Card & CalDAV or ActiveSync?

NethServer release 7.6.1810 (final)

I want to have a calendar and address book for a small company. I have tried SOGo and this does what I need allowing users to read and write on their computers and mobile devices via CardDAV and CalCAV.

I want to explore other applications such as Nextcloud and WebTop. CardDAV is fine but slow to sync, I haven’t used ActiveSync and wonder if that’s quicker and or better/worst in any way.

Which of SOGo or WebTop or other application would you use? Remember users won’t use the web application, it will just be a central address book and calendar for them to access via Mac or mobile device.


To update: ActiveSync is no use for me, I was confusing it with Exchange which uses web sync - I think! I can use an Exchange server with macOS but it can’t use ActiveSync.

But still, WebTop or SOGo?

I don’t know for apple product if activesync work, but for linux or windows, active sync is a good choice, you have one settings to do on a computer, rather three (imap, caldav, carddav) for caldav/carddav

For a sysadmin with a lot machines I think it is interesting

Take care that with activesync and sogo you must tweak the parameters following the number of instant users