Can't create users on second domain

Added second domain under domain option. Now tried to add new user but it gives option to create user on first domain only.
Any idea where am I wrong?


I’m new myself, is this what you are looking for? When you create a user, then go to services tab. The domain "" is a second domain I just added to try and see what you were referring to.

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the thing is, i dont see any such option in ns 7 :confused:

Hi @imzargar13
nethserver user is linked to the main domain.
If you want to create an email for second domain, you must create an alias from
Email Address -> Mail Aliases

I created one, but don’t see options to change its password.
How should I log in to this mail box?

You can have users only in the main domain, but you can have mail alias on multiple domain.

user1 on
Mail aliases: and

You can’t have different users for different domains

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but in SOGO i can send only as

NS7RC4 with SOGO from Nethforge.



Thanks for the info.
Means its not ideal for multi domain email server. Will look for alternative. Thx!

NethServer is absolutely multi-domain, it’s pretty straightforward to configure.
Let’s say my main address is and I need to add as well, I have to:

Et voilà! :slight_smile:


Hi Alessio,

the problem is not to create a second mailadress for an existent user. The problem for is to send mails
with the second mailadress in SOGo or in Webtop.
With NS 6.8 and SOGo it is no problem to have two or more maildomains ans send mails with different sender adress.



Why? You can add another identity in Roundcube and Webtop as well.

But not in SOGo. And here i have NS 7 final with SOGo

Unfortunately it’s a sogo issue, as I said many times they don’t support custom multi identities

May be neth should move on from sogo then? To make custom multi identities possibility.

Sorry but I can’t understand. Could you elaborate a bit?

By the way, if you need multiple identities you can user roundcube (/cc @transocean)

All I want is to create separate email IDs on multiple domains. Without need to create aliases.

Sorry @imzargar13 but it looks like to me that create separate email IDs on multiple domains is the medium not the goal. If I understood correctly you need just an email address with a different domain than the main one, am I wrong?

Having an address like username@maindomain is mandatory on NethServer 7 by design, so the right way is aliases.

What if I have and I want without need to create Like we do in zimbra!

Currently you can’t, I know it could be a bit awkward but it doesn’t mean that

its not ideal for multi domain email server.

as you said :slight_smile:

I know I could do it in previous version of neth, don’t know why did you guys moved to complexity :confused: