Hi all =)
I have a little problem, i cant creat user via web GUI.
I created user via console, but this user cant access cloud, and i dont see hin in GUI users.
Ok, il try to delete him…but have an error that user already exists when i try to add him via web GUI.
Yeah, i read the similar topic here, did all… but, this didnt helped.
Console output
[root@srv-main ~]# db accounts get usertest
[root@srv-main ~]# db accounts show usertest
[root@srv-main ~]# getent passwd usertes
[root@srv-main ~]# luserdel usertest
User usertest does not exist.
[root@srv-main ~]# userdel usertest
userdel: user ‘usertest’ does not exist
It seems that there are no user ‘usertest’ in system…but i still cant create this user via web GUI.