Can't change ethernet address

NethServer Version: 7.8.2003 (final)
Module: network

I’m installing on Hetzner VPS. I tried a lot of time, manual installation, standard, …
When it restart it show me to connect to corret ip addres 135.x.x.x but if I go into shell login , via remote KVM, I see with ipconfig that server ethernet is mapped on

How I can set corret IP, subnet and gateway trought commadn line shell?


Hi @Fabio_Codebue,

I think that you faced with this, like I did:

The solution:

Kind regards,

@GG_jr sorry but I already red those pages… and there is not a way to set green adapter to specific static address.
I can’t understand why it not get IP from DHCP…
If I install a centOS 7.8 it got it…

Did you read this?

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Please check if this solution for Hetzner static IP configuration works for you:

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I solved in this way

 db networks set eno1 ethernet role green ipaddr x.x.x.x netmask network x.x.x.0 onboot yes bootproto static


route ad default gw x.x.x.x
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This will not survive a network reconfiguration.
You should use the configuration database as you did with the network.
Adapt the following command:

db routes set static Description “default gw” Device eno1 Metric “” Router IP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY

You can apply the configuration with signal-event interface-update.
Warning: you could loose connection in case of mistakes.


Thanks a lot Filippo…done

This helped me too, thanks. And in case other users prefer to not use the command line, this can also be done in the Cockpit Admin UI under Network: