I’m trying to migrate a nethserver 7.6 to a new server but everytime i try to launch the rsync-migrate script i get the error below. I’ve tryed to alter the ciphers and the sshd_config its the same between servers but i had no luck. I’ve also tryed to locate the rsync-migrate script with no sucess.
I also can ssh between the servers without any problem.
I’m really stuck and would really apreciate if someone could give-me some pointers.
Sync-only mode enabled: no action will be perfomed on the remote machine
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching cipher found. Their offer: chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes256-ctr,aes128-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.2]
If u can’t use backup/restore try this command: rsync -avzhe ssh sourcedir root@destIP:/destdir/
I think you have to copy
If you have any other folder to copy you can use always this command. Remember to install module and/or import configuration on new server before copy files.
i’ve made the migration like you said with the backup / Restore method of the configuration then used rsync to migrate the ibay /vmail /home folders in var/lib/nethserver.
DNS, Network, AD everything went well. Everytime i try to connect to a shared folder i get an error that the shared folder could not be found altough when i \ip or hostname i get to see all the shared folders.
Thought it could be permissions so i tryed to reset permissions on NS7 web interface and i’m meet with the following errors:
S20nethserver-ibays-set-permissions #1 (exit status 512)
S30nethserver-ibays-copy-permissions #2 (exit status 256)
First of al thank you very much for all the help you keep on providing:
i’m getting that errors that the directories don’t exist, altough i can browse them in /var/lib/nethserver/ibay.
here are the message log
Feb 20 19:38:28 master nmbd[12130]: Samba name server MASTER is now a local master browser for workgroup LCR on subnet
Feb 20 19:38:28 master nmbd[12130]:
Feb 20 19:38:28 master nmbd[12130]: *****
Feb 20 19:38:40 master dbus[7731]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name=‘org.freedesktop.timedate1’ unit=‘dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service’
Feb 20 19:38:40 master systemd: Starting Time & Date Service…
Feb 20 19:38:40 master dbus[7731]: [system] Successfully activated service ‘org.freedesktop.timedate1’
Feb 20 19:38:40 master systemd: Started Time & Date Service.
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 40:a8:f0:46:41:2d
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPOFFER(br0) 40:a8:f0:46:41:2d
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPREQUEST(br0) d0:d2:b0:15:fa:ad
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPACK(br0) d0:d2:b0:15:fa:ad iPhone-de-Tiago
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 40:a8:f0:46:41:2d
Feb 20 19:43:20 master dnsmasq-dhcp[16216]: DHCPACK(br0) 40:a8:f0:46:41:2d
Feb 20 19:43:25 master httpd: [NOTICE] Nethgui\Utility\Session: regenerate session id
Feb 20 19:43:29 master systemd: Started Session c131 of user root.
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: Event: ibay-reset-permissions backups
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: [ERROR] The ibay directory does not exist! /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/backups
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: Action: /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-reset-permissions/S20nethserver-ibays-set-permissions FAILED: 2 [0.040258]
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: [ERROR] shared folder not found: /var/lib/nethserver/ibay/backups
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: Action: /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-reset-permissions/S30nethserver-ibays-copy-permissions FAILED: 1 [0.001894]
Feb 20 19:43:29 master esmith::event[19688]: Event: ibay-reset-permissions FAILED
Feb 20 19:43:30 master systemd: Removed slice User Slice of root.
Could you post output of command: ls -l /var/lib/nethserver/ibay
Have you already rebooted the server after restore-data command? If not, reboot it and check boot up with command systemd-analyze (wait until server says “Boot complete”)
After reboot try to set permission from CLI with this command and post the output signal-event ibay-reset-permissions backups
Thank you so much!!! I’ve had an eureka moment when you asked me to list the ibay directory.
yes in fact there was an ibay directory inside /var/lib/nethserver/ibay. so after i’ve moved the folder to the top ibay directory everything worked fine.
Once more thank you so much for all the help
If you come to Portugal you have a beer waiting for you!!