Just wondering what happened to this, I am on 7.3 stable and still cannot have a capital letter in a share?
It’s not a big deal, just wondering if there was just a setting somewhere that I missed.
No it has not implemented, yet. BTW why do you need it?
Consistency. Small things like this confuse users, I am upgrading from Zentyal to NS, and the previous shares had capitals. Like I said, no big deal, but was interested in using capitals if it was possible.
Thank you for the feedback: added a todo card here
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But, like I said, it is not that important, I need the shares now, so if I put in a todo card, I would already have my existing shares setup and moved on. If I could get in that link, I would still do it, as I think it is something NS should have to make it even better.
Please, try a similar workaround:
That worked, thanks.
One thing I had to add, I had to go into the share, edit, and ‘Reset permissions’.
@wbilger I’m working to allow capital letters.
@Sebastian, that’s great, thanks. The workaround suggested by @davidep worked, but it would
be nice to not have to use a workaround when adding new shares or a fresh install.
Welcome aboard @Sebastian well done!
The package is ready for testing!
How to install:
yum install --enablerepo=nethserver-testing nethserver-ibays
Now you are able to create shared folders with capital letters
Package released in nethserver-updates:
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