Cannot Access Web Manager, new install

NethServer Version: 7
Module: cockpit

Hi, Nethserver newbie :slight_smile:

I have installed nethserver on a CentOS instance in AWS to set up as a simple mail server and the server installed OK apart from I cannot access the web UI.
I have read numerous posts in here but nothing so far has helped.

I think it should be accessible, everything seems to be running OK

The service is running

cockpit.service - Cockpit Web Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cockpit.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/cockpit.service.d
Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-11-30 10:04:32 UTC; 38s ago
Docs: man:cockpit-ws(8)
Process: 3218 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/remotectl certificate --ensure --user=root --group=cockpit-ws --selinux-type=etc_t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3220 (cockpit-ws)
CGroup: /system.slice/cockpit.service
└─3220 /usr/libexec/cockpit-ws

I have these rules:-


?COMMENT cockpit
ACCEPT loc $FW tcp 9090
ACCEPT net $FW tcp 9090

I am trying bto access via public IP / dns name as I do not have a VPN into this AWS account

I can SSH to the machine with no issues

Is Nethserver restricted to the LAN initially?
If so is there a way to allow access without having access via the LAN?

many thanks!

When you say aws do you mean lightsail or ec2
Also have you specified the port forwarding in aws firewall

It’s on an EC2 instance
The instance has an elastic IP and
The SG has all traffic allowed inbound from my public IP however I found I was on a different IP from what I thought. What an idiot!
Thanks for the reply though. :smiley:

However I now find I cannot gain access with root and Nethesis,1234?

Would the default credentials be different for an AWS install?

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Oh it’s OK i reset the root password via sudo , so have access now many thanks

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No worries glad it’s working for you now🙂