Hi folks
as you already know we spent a lot of time working on the new release called NethServer 8
The time has come, we can update you about the entire project and tell something about the next step.
We’d like to organize a NethServer 8 meeting on 2022-02-25T14:30:00Z
This is a small draft of the meeting agenda
live demo on what we’ve done so far
new fully responsive UI
cluster UI
software center UI & API
backup UI e API
CentOS Stream 9 support
Debian support
domains e users page + API
account provider discovery
centralized logging
what we’re working on
test automation
cluster backup & restore
roadmap and next steps
how to create a new module for NethServer 8 (kickstart & co)
The NethServer Dev Team
Are you going to attend?
Let me know if you wanna join us. Please sign-in the community
Will NS8 have functionality for reverse proxy, web server for standard website and web app installations, as well as a DNS system. in this case a full DNS
The core does not provide any DNS service. That means there’s room for a DNS module, and even more alternatives.
The video record will be available soon, stay tuned!
As said by Giacomo during the meeting, those features are out of the scope of ns8, but there’s still a future for those functionalities in another project. I hope it will be still integrated with ns8, as the multi-node paradigm opens new horizons.
I was extremely happy with what was shown and i think when it comes to things like firewall some things to consider
most people are putting neth behind a dedicated firewall, imo i think it’s more secure and less complicated (then having to having say opnsense and nethserver with separate firewalls which can cause unnecessary headaches)
this is an alpha version
as this is containerized it shouldn’t be hard to in the future add a firewall in a container later.
by not having to worry about firewall the nethserver developers can concentrate on getting the core stabilized for real world applications