Build web filter modules for ARM

This command is automatically run when you save the configuration, see /etc/e-smith/events/actions/nethserver-squid-conf.
The problem is that the ARM squid package has a different path:

  1. x86 = /usr/lib64/squid/ssl_crtd
  2. arm = /usr/lib/squid/ssl_crtd

Luckily, the nethserver-squid-conf is the only place where ssl_crtd is called, we may have a fix trying both path.
I’ll create a pull request, it may be accepted.

My mistake, I fixed the double quotes issue only partially.
PR: Fix quotes in profiles categories names. NethServer/dev#5171 by filippocarletti · Pull Request #9 · NethServer/nethserver-squidguard · GitHub

Thank you very much for your findings, really helpful.

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