Looking a bit on how works the process updates of neth, I can see that some rpms are older than in Epel, the first mirror where they come from. In fact, I’m looking a way for checking updates for nethserver-phpMyAdmin and nethserver-Wordpress and thus this is why I raise my question.
Just with nethserver-roundcubemail installed I can see
# yum check-update --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=epel
amavisd-new.noarch 2.9.1-2.el6 epel
clamav.x86_64 0.98.6-1.el6 epel
clamav-db.x86_64 0.98.6-1.el6 epel
clamd.x86_64 0.98.6-1.el6 epel
perl-Net-Server.noarch 2.007-2.el6 epel
php-pear-Net-Sieve.noarch 1.3.4-1.el6 epel
roundcubemail.noarch 1.0.5-1.el6 epel
I understand that their importation is a question of time and tests but I would be interested to know if you have some automatic routines for checking updates. Why because just with the above example it is easy to understand that more the clamav software is recent, more malwares are detected. It will be the same with roundecubemail-1.1 that is coming in epel. I shared with remi collet about the update and also the ldap sync from kolab, all are now available in the remi repository, that bring us a lot of new cool stuffs, I use it on my sme server.
it makes me think if this roundcube version can’t be available in epel, that could be really interesting to import the remi’s one.