It’s a DNS problem. The virtual host you have set when configuring SOGo is created and applied on NS8 through traefik reverse proxy (HTTP routes), but to work it requires to have correct DNS. The DNS seems the part you are missing to set.
SOGo needs a dedicated virtual host, a FQDN like
Before proceeding with the configuration, make sure to create the corresponding name record inside your DNS server. If you are planning to use a Let’s Encrypt certificate as default, make also sure to have a corresponding public DNS record.
Thank you, but i still didn’t catch it. DNSMasq tells me:
“A DNS server is currently running. You cannot enable the DNS feature because a DNS server is already active on this node. Another application, such as Samba DC, might be using the DNS port.”
Yes, i use Samba DC. But looking to Domain an Users → configuration - >Samba1 → i can’t find to configure any DNS Entries.
Is the DNS config solution really here?
I also tried to add route in ’ HTTP-Routen’.
There is already a definition sogo1 or nextcloud1. Do i have to add something here like:
HTTP Routen-Details:
Name → nc.
URL → http://
Zertifikate-Validierung überspringen → Deaktiviert
Host →
Let’s Encrypt Zertifikat anfordern → Aktiviert
HTTP zu HTTPS umleiten → Aktiviert
KnotenKnoten 1 → Traefik Instanztraefik1
Samba already has its basic internal DNS server needed for AD to operate. So that’s why DNS from dnsmasq app cannot be enabled on the same node (port 53 conflict). You don’t need dnsmasq app.
There’s no DNS management on the UI.
Usually, no need to add anything.
You can add the DNS record on your main’s LAN DNS Server (Router, Firewall…) so all LAN clients know how to find SOGo, Nextcloud… through the domain name.
If some of those apps also needs to be publicly exposed for external access (without VPN) then, on your domain provider/hosting control panel, you can configure A records for each of the required virtual hosts to point to the fixed public IP where your server is, or if no fixed public IP almost same steps but adding Dynamic DNS in the equation.
If no DNS Server is available, or has no option to add custom DNS records, the internal AD DNS could be used: creating the DNS records on the server with samba-tool, or from a gnu/linux client with admin-tools or from a Windows client through RSAT.
If it’s just for a quick and dirty testing, you can point the server IP and your virtual host’s FQDN on hosts file.
Some other forum members can guide you better on each of the steps, best practices or point out any error or misinformation…