i usually didn’t use the backup feature of ns7 but i’m testing it with webdav and now i have some question… can someone help me to understand if i’ve made some configuration error?
new wm, update, install backup
mkdir /root/testdir
touch /root/testdir/testfile.txt
configure backup on cifs/dirback1 - incremental (note, also if not yet backupped in restore we see a Backup file with today date)
backup-data (and manually chech if there is the new backup on cifs folder)
delete testdir and try to restore it and redelete the restore dir
create a new dir inside vm /root
mkdir /root/testdir2
touch /root/testdir2/testfile2.txt
backup-data (and manually chech if there is the new backup on cifs folder)
now you should have 3 backup with same date, select the one in the middle and try to restore /root/testdir
webui show "Restored in /root/testdir_2017-04-11"
in log: root/testdir not found in archive - no files restored.
all like test1 but with full backup, same problem
test3 (old backup still in list also if changing destination)
change backup configuration to backup on cifs/dirback2 (or to webdav)
check restore… old backup are still there (???)
this means that in the long run user can still think to have backup that are no more present…
I didn’t quite have understand what the problem you’re facing.
But the selective restore from the web interface can actually display an old not-existing backup because it’s based on a duc index before the backup itself.
There is no way to have a browseable file list directly from duplicity backup.
My two cents: use the restore-data command from CLI
i repeat that i didn’t use the internal backup so forgive me…
@m.traeumner i think that the /root folder is included, and in effect after the first backup i can restore the folder “testdir” correctly
@giacomo i’ll try to explain (and sorry for my English, but sometimes I do not even explain well in my own language ): on a clean vm i have 2 full backup, in the first i have the “testdir” folder, then i delete it before the 2nd backup. i see correctly both backup in ui:
as i say, before the second backup i deleted the “testdir” folder… but after the 2nd backup, i want restore the “testdir” folder that was in backup1 (and correctly showed in UI) but simply it didn’t work (no errors in log and in webUI).
I expected to be able to restore it (the “testdir”).
It seems to me a bug, but given my lack of knowledge of internal backup maybe I’m doing something wrong …
Hi, @dz00te
sorry I missunderstood your question, I don’t understood, that you can restore it after first backup. Please have a try with CLI like giacomo said. @giacomo
do we have a bug report for this bug?