Backup OVH "S3 compatible Storage"

I tied to configure such backup and fail.
If I look into the log I can see:


{“context”:{“action”:“add-backup-repository”,“data”:{“name”:“OHV-S3”,“parameters”:{“aws_access_key_id”:“myIDKey”,“aws_secret_access_key“:“myPrivateKey},“password”:“XXX”,“provider”:“generic-s3”,“url”:““},“extra”:{“isNotificationHidden”:true,“title”:“Sicherungs-Repository hinzufügen”},“id“:“0987654321,“parent”:“”,“queue”:“cluster/tasks”,“timestamp”:“2024-06-27T07:05:46.390329737Z”,“user”:“admin”},“status”:“validation-failed”,“progress”:0,“subTasks”:,“validated”:false,“result”:{“error”:“”,“exit_code”:2,“file”:“task/cluster/4f87df75-04f9-4061-8e16-53e431267d04”,“output”:[{“error”:“backup_repository_not_accessible”,“field”:“parameters”,“parameter”:“parameters”,“value”:“2024/06/27 07:05:46 Failed to size: AuthorizationHeaderMalformed: The authorization header is malformed; the region ‘us-east-1’ is wrong; expecting ‘de’\n\tstatus code: 400, request id: txf93e9bbafca54ef08fc4b-00667d0f4a, host id: txf93e9bbafca54ef08fc4b-00667d0f4a\n”}]}}

Some inconsistencies stand out:

  1. The key names refer to AWS, but I don’t use AWS: it is “S3 compatible storage”

esp: aws_access_key_id | aws_secret_access_key
2. The transmitted user name is of course not ‘admin’ for me, but provider-specific.
3. The endpoint of my provider does not correspond to the nomenclature specified in the GUI.
Within the GUI is specified FQDN/BucketName

My specific Endpoint is:

How should I deal with this problems?

@nrauso filed a bug about OVH

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deleted: Strato works


one additional question…
What data is backed up and how large is the expected backup for an initial setup of NS8-Server

I’m wondering about my statistics…