Assign letsencrypt certificate to vhost

NethServer Version: 7.5.1804 (final)
Module: nextcloud

Hello everybody! This is my first post on the community forum. I already searched through the posts but didn’t find a similar topic (if I’m not wrong…).

I’ve just installed the nextcloud module on a freshly installed NS instance and then added my public nextcloud domain name to the VirtualHost configuration ( as described here, and then I requested a Let’s Encrypt ssl certificate using the NS Server Certificate tool. Now I can see this new SSL certificate on the Server Certificate page, but the Nextcloud vhost is still served with server’s self signed SSL certificate.

How can I assign the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to the nextcloud virtual host? Perhaps do I need to request the Let’s Encrypt certificate from the CLI with certbot instead of using the server certificate tool from the admin interface?

Thank you in advance,

Start Server manager webinterface and find Configuration / assign certificate. There you can choose between selfsigned and LE certs…

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From that section I’m only able to assign a SSL certificate server wide, not for a specific virtual host (see image)

Do I need any other server module? I did not install the nethserver-httpd-virtualhosts module…

Yes you’re right! You need that package too…

Furthermore the docs page seems lacking instructions about vhost certificates /cc @docs_team


Now I added that package, too. Then I created a vhost for the nextcloud website and I was able to assign the letsencrypt certificate to that vhost, but… now this new vhost doesn’t serve the nextcloud application but a new website (with the nethserver placeholder home page). From the WebUI there is no option to specify the document root of the vhost.

For the nextcloud virtual host you just need to set the server-wide Letsencrypt certificate as default as shown in your screenshot. You don’t need to create a vhost in web UI.

The nextcloud virtualhost domain has to be one of the domains in the Letsencrypt cert to get a working certificate.


Ok, this makes sense. I will include the NC domain name as well as the FQDN I use to manage the server itself. Thank you very much!

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