ARM development: next steps

Sorry for being too generic!

I’d need an rsync mirror of armhfp EPEL7. I couldn’t find one and I’m considering to fetch required data via http. I just need repodata/ contents to run repoclosure…


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yes…rspamd-1.8.3 brings some UI enhancements, it is good too

It’s exiting seeing it grow and become factual :grinning:

Do I understand correctly the arm packges are uploaded (as example) to arm-base/armhfp/Packages and installed form base/armhfp/Packages ?


I’d say yes … let’s see if @davidep confirm if we both correctly understood how it work :wink:

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A post was split to a new topic: NethServer armhfp and aarch64 repositories

I hope the new repositories work well. I’d expect some bugs, however I have to complete the mirrorlist fix now. I’d like to avoid forking the nethserver-release package and retain it as arch-independent.

Ok, I will handle it from mirrorlist.

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Ops! I forgot epel is not handled by :innocent:

I guess an ARM device must override epel-release by other means. For instance the basic image could provide a customized /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo.

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Sorry to be unclear

I meant a package containing repo-settings. in /etc/yum.repos.d/ for “epel”.

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getting closer

Install from new repositories :grinning:

hurdles on first site:

  • the already mentioned comps groups, not all modules showing up in software center are available
  • nextcloud being a noarch which differs from x86_64 (remi php72)
  • probably a lot more…

great! :+1:
let me know if i can help in testing…

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well here is problem…

I did import all keys upfront

rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*

a manual install

yum install @nethserver-directory

answering y to all key suggestions and its oke…

Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Importing GPG key 0x39BAF5C1:
 Userid     : "NethServer 7 (NethServer 7 Official Signing Key) <>"
 Fingerprint: 594c 3fd8 fae1 8ff5 32fe ae23 9cb2 8ea0 39ba f5c1
 Package    : nethserver-release-7-11.ns7.noarch (@nethserver-arm-base/$releasever)
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Is this ok [y/N]: y
nethserver-base/7/armhfp/signature                                               | 2.9 kB  00:00:14 !!!
nethserver-updates/7/armhfp/signature                                            |  836 B  00:00:00
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Importing GPG key 0x39BAF5C1:
 Userid     : "NethServer 7 (NethServer 7 Official Signing Key) <>"
 Fingerprint: 594c 3fd8 fae1 8ff5 32fe ae23 9cb2 8ea0 39ba f5c1
 Package    : nethserver-release-7-11.ns7.noarch (@nethserver-arm-base/$releasever)
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Is this ok [y/N]: y

After this installs work form the software center too.

cc/@giacomo @davidep

Probably uname -m doesn’t work as expected here

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good catch !

# uname -m

Did I mention naming of arm32 bit is mess before ? (just kidding although true… :disappointed_relieved:)

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We need to extract the YUM arch… :thinking:

# python -c 'import yum, pprint; yb = yum.YumBase(); pprint.pprint(yb.conf.yumvar, width=1)'
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, nethserver_events
{'arch': 'armv7hnl',
 'basearch': 'armhfp',
 'contentdir': 'altarch',
 'infra': 'stock',
 'kvariant': 'rpi2',
 'nsrelease': '',
 'releasever': '7',
 'uuid': 'a0cc8187-be28-43ab-a87f-9e05463a0a9b'}

does this help?

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or if you have proxmox 5.3, a good server and (a lot of) patience :sweat_smile: you can use proxmox for aarch64, or at least i just managed to install centos 7.6 aarch64… a little bit slow but it seems to work



To manage this nethserver-arm-epel with exclusive arch armv7hl is provided. To “fool” yum this package provides “epel-release”. This breaks with the old caution not to imply a official epel-release is available. Opted for this to be compatible with nethserver-release.

Since we shifted to zram, we have a noarch package to set zram-swap up. I wonder if this package could live in the x86_64 too? And with this in all repo’s which would make image creation a bit more straight forward. Not a big deal just a bit cleaner…

If we can agree on the above i would like to ship ownership of the git repository’s to nethserver.

Yes, I think we can put it also on x86_64.
Can you give me the pointer to the RPM or repo, just to make a couple of checks?