Arm development images released

The Nethserver-7.6.1810 family grows rapidly with the birth of a little Sister.

We Proudly announce our development images for Nethserver-7.6.1810-armhfp.

This is major step forwards:

  • The package repositories are now hosted on the regular Nethserver infra-structure
  • The for arm available Nethserver modules / packages are exactly the same as on x86_64; If there where inevitable differences the solutions are merged into the main-codebase.

The for arm available modules are:


  • Backup
  • Email server
  • File server
  • MariaDB (MySQL)
  • POP3 connector
  • Roundcube web mail
  • Statistics
  • Web server


  • Basic firewall
  • Dedalo Hotspot
  • Intrusion Prevention System
  • IPsec tunnels
  • OpenVPN
  • POP3 proxy
  • Reverse proxy
  • SMTP proxy
  • Web filter
  • Web proxy

ALL Languages :grinning:

We have kept track of the testing of the modules on this wiki page.

The image for the Raspberry PI can be downloaded from:

This image can be flashed with ecther - or - on linux:

xzcat Nethserver-7.6.1810-Devel-RaspberryPi-img.raw.xz |   sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress && sudo sync

(where /dev/sdX is the path to your SD card)

The images are never booted-up and start at first boot with a ā€œsignal-event system-initā€, this can take over 5 minutes (largely depending on the speed of the SD card).

Login: root
Password: Nethesis,1234

The image for uboot is being build while writing this,
give me a little bit of time to run some basic testes and it will be available too.

Enjoy and Happy to hear form you!


And a teaser:

Aarch64 (arm 64bit) is on the test bench tooā€¦

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Wow, you were quick: good job! :wink:

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Is this based on the image Pablo has in test that works for the Odroid HC1?

If so, is there enough room for the bootloader + uboot or is the RPi fw partition there to remove?

Meanwhile, I will look at it for putting on the Cubietruck for the DC workā€¦

No, is based on the released kernel 4.14.x, so it has to be modded for the HC1.

Yes of cause all images have :grinning: (1st partition starts @4096KB)

No RPI stuff on our uboot images

for the time being here a download link for Nethserver-7.6.1810-Devel-Uboot-img.raw.xz

Incredible. Itā€™s hard to believe such small hardware is able to handle so much modules. Great job !!

Iā€™m already thinking where I could use this :slight_smile:

Matthieu G. (en mode mobile)


The CubieTruck is a very good unit. I have one running RedSleeve6 as my mail server with ALL the mail server cruft for 3 years now.

The goal is to move to Centos7, and I was having challenges with the state of epel last year this time. Now I will be using the much more capable Odroid-HC1 as the mailserver, and the CubieTruck as my Domain Controller.


Actually when saying ā€œARMā€ I automatically think ā€œRaspberry Piā€. I wonder what server load it could handle.

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Sad, that. There are many better boards out there with better open support. I know some of the people behind the RPi and I understand their business model. That does not mean I agree with itā€¦

The Pi3 is a pretty good unit. Depends on the sata interface. Odroid-HC1 with its 8 cores should outperform it for a mail server hands (or cores!) down.

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:blue_heart: Great job Mark! I canā€™t wait to check it out!


Does the reference to ā€˜development imagesā€™ mean it is only for developers or also for the regular John Doe that wantā€™s to buy a Pi3+ and install NS7 on it please?


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On no, the only extra skill you need is to able to flash (write) a SD-card.

I doubted if to call it alpha, did not do so because just 2 minor patches (for nethserver-mock and nethserver-base) are not released jet. For nethserver-base the change is merged (so the next release will contain the patch) for the time being it is applied at image creation.

I expected to be on ā€œbetaā€, with a regular update path, end of the month / early Jan.

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Well to be quite frank, I would not recommend (under statement) to install all of them at once. :wink:
However with hardware costing about 50 ā‚¬/$ it not hard to imagine to divide the load on different installs as @rgmhtt suggestedā€¦


What about writing a blog post and sharing it with people in distrowatch?
I can do that within this week

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Yes, that would be nice :+1:
(especially if I do not have to write it.:grinning:)


Good job @mark_nl! :+1:

I have start to test the hotspot module and i have found some problems.

Testing env:

  • RaspberryPi 2
  • 1 usb ethernet adapter

Just after the installation when i go to the Software center i obtain this error:

And I can fix it manualy with yum update:

[root@local ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Determining fastest mirrors
 * base:
 * centos-kernel:
 * extras:
 * updates:
nethserver-base/7/armhfp/signature                                                                                             |  836 B  00:00:00     
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Importing GPG key 0x39BAF5C1:
 Userid     : "NethServer 7 (NethServer 7 Official Signing Key) <>"
 Fingerprint: 594c 3fd8 fae1 8ff5 32fe ae23 9cb2 8ea0 39ba f5c1
 Package    : nethserver-release-7-12.ns7.noarch (@nethserver-updates/$releasever)
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Is this ok [y/N]: yes
nethserver-base/7/armhfp/signature                                                                                             | 2.9 kB  00:00:20 !!! 
nethserver-updates/7/armhfp/signature                                                                                          |  836 B  00:00:00     
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Importing GPG key 0x39BAF5C1:
 Userid     : "NethServer 7 (NethServer 7 Official Signing Key) <>"
 Fingerprint: 594c 3fd8 fae1 8ff5 32fe ae23 9cb2 8ea0 39ba f5c1
 Package    : nethserver-release-7-12.ns7.noarch (@nethserver-updates/$releasever)
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-NethServer-7
Is this ok [y/N]: yes
nethserver-updates/7/armhfp/signature                                                                                          | 4.1 kB  00:00:03 !!! 
updates                                                                                                                        | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
(1/4): nethserver-updates/7/armhfp/group_gz                                                                                    |  15 kB  00:00:00     
(2/4): updates/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                             | 399 kB  00:00:00     
(3/4): nethserver-updates/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                  |  22 kB  00:00:00     
(4/4): nethserver-base/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                     | 193 kB  00:00:01     
(1/4): centos-kernel/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                       | 6.8 kB  00:00:00     
(2/4): extras/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                              | 131 kB  00:00:00     
(3/4): base/7/armhfp/primary_db                                                                                                | 4.1 MB  00:00:03     
(4/4): epel/primary_db                                                                                                         | 8.4 MB  00:00:13     
No packages marked for update

After installaton of ā€œDedalo Hotspotā€ from Software center when i try to register the unit i encounter the following error:

eth1 is the usb Ethernet adapter.
Line 36 of /etc/shorewall/rules:

# Avoid duplicated traffic
DROP    hotsp:eth1      net

Any hints @dev_team?


This should be already fixed by this commit: Fix basearch for arm 32bit (#150) Ā· NethServer/nethserver-base@49527f2 Ā· GitHub (already released).

I have no idea for now, I need to think a bit about it.


I rspamd available for armhfp?

If so, I will attempt a spin of the mailserver on a Cubietruck.