ArkCase solution for Legal community

I am afraid this is not a problem about Intel/AMD.

The VPS host needs to support nested virtualization with virtualbox:
The virtualized arkcase in the virtualized Nethserver.

hmm. so what needs to happen in this case?

I tested in VMware, there you can just enable Intel VT/AMD V in cpu settings.
Iā€™d try the following:

  1. Is it possible to maybe change this in VPS settings/bios? Just an idea, donā€™t know about different options of providers
  2. Look at virtualbox settings, maybe thereā€™s an option to cheat.
  3. If easily possible try with Intel
  4. Integrated install - the hard way

i think aruba support nested virtualization. they also use vmwareā€¦ this is now tricky situation

Ill test multiple different variations and advise accordingly.

at this stag, what should be done exactly?

For example in proxmox you need to set to the VM cpu to ā€œhostā€.

To be able to reach the VM in bridged mode, you need to select the interface to bridge to. In my case (and in case you use AD that autocreates a bridge) this was br0. You can create a bridge in network settings.


What about just firing up a local VM for testing instead getting stuck in VPS setup?
If the app is good we can still think about different ways to integrate.

if its just a local vm for checking out the app, that i can try. Though i have hyper v, not sure if it works, or if i need to downlaod and install vmware or virtualbox.

As to why i wanted to install on vps, i am not sure why i prefer using that method than using local vm. I guess because of doing actual real scenario test


Did anyone ever succeed in making it run on VPS? I need to deploy it on azure.

Did somebody test it?

am deploying local servers, ill test it on local once done


Hello, I would like just to mention that,

Taking into consideration that Laws and the handling of the Laws are very different from country to another,
And that NS and the Internet do exist because of the International nature of It,

I think we should think about a software suite that is able to handle this situation as much as possible,

For instance Dolibarr does handle different taxes rates and ways of handling it, if I remember ā€¦

A ā€œLaw/caseā€ software that suits only one jurisdiction is kinda of limiting and even unfair :stuck_out_tongue: I think .


Hey guys Iā€™m running Nethserver on a Virtual Dedicated Server I have 5 Vlan IPs (/29). I have installed Virtual Box instance of ArkCase using how to here I need to figure out how to add one of the additional public IPā€™s to Nethserver and then config Virtual Box to access ArkCase. I have added a Vlan interface using one of the ipā€™s set it to Green with the settings below. I tried setting the NetMask the same as the Red wan interface however nethserver would not allow it.

IP address
Netmask (what should the Netmask be the main ip Netmask is

WAN (red) eno1 CIDR XXX.XXX.XXX.106/29
Gateway XXX.XXX.XXX.105

Itā€™s been a couple of years, and Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve made some modifications to your instructions (mainly in moving the VirtualBox VM onto Proxmox), but hoping you might have an idea of whatā€™s going on. In short, I canā€™t log in to ArkCase itselfā€“I get the 502 Proxy Error. Solr, Pentaho, and Alfresco are all running, and I can get to the front page of each of them. The arkcase service is running:

[root@arkcase-ce ~]# systemctl status arkcase
ā— arkcase.service - ArkCase Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/arkcase.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-11-06 09:28:10 GMT; 1 day 5h ago
  Process: 12809 ExecStop=/opt/app/arkcase/bin/ -force (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 12886 ExecStart=/opt/app/arkcase/bin/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 12900 (java)
   CGroup: /system.slice/arkcase.service
           ā””ā”€12900 /usr/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/app/arkcase/conf/ -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.ap...

Nov 06 09:28:10 arkcase-ce.local systemd[1]: Starting ArkCase Service...
Nov 06 09:28:10 arkcase-ce.local arkcase[12886]: Tomcat started.
Nov 06 09:28:10 arkcase-ce.local systemd[1]: Started ArkCase Service.

A Java process seems to be listening on port 8843:

[root@arkcase-ce conf.d]# netstat -tulpn | grep 8843
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      12900/java

ā€¦but trying to connect directly to that gives ā€œConnection refusedā€, and browsing to https://IP/arkcase gives the aforementioned proxy error. I donā€™t see any log files in /var/log that seem relevant. Any ideas what I should be checking here?

i usally forget tht Danb is a lawyer.
hows arkcase been so far for you?

Unusable, as I posted above.

Iā€™m going to try to reproduce but virtualbox is still downloading. How did you move the VM to proxmox?

I found following github issue about a similar error, explaining port 8843 and how to debug tomcat (last post):


Created a comparable-spec VM on the Proxmox host without storage, scp over the .vmdk file, imported it into the VM. It boots without issue, and Iā€™m able to SSH in as vagrant/vagrant. But thanks for the pointer to that issueā€“the troubleshooting steps there havenā€™t resolved the issue, but it looks like theyā€™re fairly engaged with the issue. Iā€™ll see what I hear back from my comment.

Edit: Iā€™d missed a step from that thread. Adding export HUSKY=0 to the end of /opt/app/arkcase/bin/ lets arkcase start and Iā€™m able to log in. Once I find the admin module and go to configure the email (naturally pointing to my Nethserver install), I get SMTP settings are not valid with no further information on where the problem is.

Has anyone (Martin? Markus?) got it working with Nethserver as the mail server? If so, what settings did you use? I should probably follow up with another ticket against the project, but if someone here knowsā€¦

the last time i installed i think i used postal for email, though it sent, postal was not stable for Nethserver at the time, atleast now its abit stable on nethserver.

I can try and do a r-install of the solution over the weekend, when ill be testing other deployments as well.

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Thanks, Iā€™ll be interested if you can make it work (and if so, how). Iā€™m not going to have much time to work on it in the coming week, but could get back to it after then. It sadly wonā€™t do much of anything for my own practiceā€“Iā€™m stuck with the system the Government providesā€“but itā€™d be nice to play with it a bit anyway.

we built a custom solutions here, and many law firms locally are happy with it.
