Approaching NS8 Beta 2, call for review

Why not create a NS8_testing group?
People that are willing to do some tests when new releases come out.
Who wanna join? I take @transocean @GG_jr @mrmarkuz for granted
I would add @rasi @capote @Schnabeltierchen @djx @Mastermind @EddieA @xwu @alex1 @michelandre @maja2020
Anyone else?


reinstall is good and not good, find the root cause in log is often better to help the development, we could understand the exception that has raised errors… next time :smiley:

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I saved some logs from my tests in Notepad++.
I can send them to you, if you want.
I can publish them here, but they are a bit big.
As you wish.

A very good idea!
I’m having some problems with Nextcloud and Collabora, with the installation of WordPress and OSTicket as Virtual Hosts and I don’t know if it’s just me or from NS8, being still in the development/testing period.

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It would be wonderful! With the feedback gathered so far, we already fixed many bugs before the release :muscle:

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relevant to ns8 & wordpress NS8 & WordPress

I think the major issue to understand is that the mysql user must be allowed to connect from any host use user@% instead of user@localhost and point to the ip:20009 (it is an external random port, check it) to connect the database and not localhost obviously


Added New Traefik configuration backend to Release notes – see Release notes — NS8 documentation


Two other updates in the Software center:


Beta 2 is out :tada:


I will participate. My main part: ask stupid questions.:face_with_peeking_eye:


I just made the updates:

  1. Core update
  2. New Traefik configuration backend
  3. Update Mail modules
  4. Mail module improvements
    5 Restart NS8 (I don’t know if I had to…)

Did I miss something?

[root@ns8 ~]# podman exec redis sed -i.beta1 '/^notify-keyspace-events / d' /data/etc/redis.conf
systemctl restart redis
[root@ns8 ~]#
[root@ns8 ~]# ssh mail1@localhost
[mail1@ns8 ~]$ podman exec dovecot sh -c "doveadm index -A -q '*' ; pgrep indexer-worker | xargs -- renice"
[mail1@ns8 ~]$ exit
Connection to localhost closed.
[root@ns8 ~]#

The best answer:

To you who participated to beta 2 tests:

Disable the testing flag – Modules — NS8 documentation

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I installed fresh onto debian12 and created a separate description/documentation:
NS8beta2 | Capote: my experiences and questions

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I think it’s a good question, but it’s not being asked to the right person! :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Fortunately, those who can give the correct answer will also read it!

Hi @alefattorini

quote=“alefattorini, post:15, topic:22156”]
Why not create a NS8_testing group?

Why not using Jitsi Meet ( once in a while for discussion ?


I will participate. My main part: Dumb test the thing, install things in uncoventional manner as a noob would, break things and report so its impossible to break them in the future. .:face_with_peeking_eye:

Yes, let’s go for it. What should we put on agenda?

Updated my rocky9 six months old testmachine, no errors or broken apps.
I still had to upgrade the python 3.11 stuff manually. Don’t know if it is supposed to be automatic or part of the beta2 release notes.

Edit: found a possible error: I had some http routes defined, I am no longer able to edit the rules, only the “see detail” option is enabled (edit and delete are disabled).
If I create a new rule, I can delete and edit as expected.

Yep. We’re out