Apple sucks (flame)


I just found this :

Looks like it is possible.


Duplicati on Mac works too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Apple great, … with linux :stuck_out_tongue:

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Duplicati is an amazing backup system (depup included!). I’ve recently discovered it and will be implementing it for our office’s VM backups. The initial baseline backup will take a very long time but subsequent backups at the block level will make it so much quicker.

Edit : it is possible, but only since the current latest version : Sierra (10.12)

We use the “right” tool for the right job:

  1. Servers? Linux/FreeBSD
  2. Desktop? Mac, unless there’s a Windows requirement like our accounting group that needs to use some software that’s only available in Windows
  3. Laptop? Mac. Saves me the hassle of having to support different vendors
  4. Hotel? Trevago

What about costs? Are they comparable now?

It’s a little bit expensive but having to support just 1 vendor is worth it. We don’t have to invest in different types of power adapters if we went with Windows.

We could just stick to one Windows type vendor like Lenovo but accessories sometimes are not compatible with each other.

Also, OS X is Unix.

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