It’s an AI assisted thinking process!
→ Only issue: The AI is running on a 32bit box…
My 2 cents
It’s an AI assisted thinking process!
→ Only issue: The AI is running on a 32bit box…
My 2 cents
I agre with Patrick: it seems a good suggestion.
From the technical point of view, it requires quite new work.
Still, we could think to manually extend the support: keeping the same amount but for 1 year and a half?
Could be a good compromise @MadPatrick ?
Basically when you choose for Nethserver 8 you need Nethsecurity (or a different firewall option)
I think we want to achieve that more people are going to choose for NS and let the community grow.
I hear a lot old ClearOS users are looking for another distro since ClearOS is abonded (for a l ong time). Only the systems are still running smoothly but are EOL for a long time.
The price for ClearOS was very good for home users. around €220,00 for 3 years.
Maybe you can make multiple plans, like for 1 year you pay more and for 3 years you get discount (30% or so)
But €120,00 + €97,00 (excl VAT) is a lot for most home users and scares them away or they do not use a subscrition at all. (so you will miss this subscription also)
Basically is the added value for a subscription not very big for a home users.
The automatic secured updated are a big advantage, but not much more
So why should somebody pay for this ?
My sugestion would be to make a combi with this price level for 2 years, but that something you need to decide if this is cost wise possible for you.
Or… a longer subsciption plan ?
Personally i’m also looking to get a Nethserver plan beside by Nethsecurity plan, but not seeing the added value for this moment (beside to support you guys )