Announcing NethSecurity Subscription Plans

you annual rent equal this house, permanently here

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It is my not the point of somebody is able to pay ā‚¬120,00 or that is worth the money for the development.
My point is that you need 2 subscriptions because Nehtserver 8 ā€œneedsā€ Nethsecurity and vice versa. That makes around ā‚¬250,00 / year
Again iā€™m only talking for the home users.


Only for those who insist on using both, and with a subscriptionā€¦

NS8 doesnā€™t ā€œneedā€ NethSecurity.
NethSecurity will work just fine without NS8. It doesnā€™t ā€œneedā€ NS8.

But I agree that a ā€œHome-Userā€ bundle or Discount for users of both would be a good option and sales argumentā€¦

My 2 cents


As I said above, we can think about a combo.

We already have the technology, in September we will activate volume discounts

We can think of splitting the payment monthly/qarterly ā€¦ itā€™s not feasible at the moment.

Thanks for all your suggestions

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i love this statement

Regarding the plans, it is not clear which features are active in each one. Is the price of the plan related only to the type of licensing or does it interfere with the features?

Hi and welcome!

Did you see the link inthe first post?

And the documentation: