Anacron email question

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: N/A
Good day,
Just a query, is the following email message something to be concerned about:
Subject: Anacron job ‘cron.daily’ on

Not using downloaded stephdl/repomd.xml because it is older than what we have:
Current : Fri Oct 21 02:33:27 2022
Downloaded: Fri Oct 21 01:33:20 2022
Please advise/clarify.
Thanking you

I can’t reproduce it but I think you can ignore it if you don’t get more of these E-mails.
The @stephdl repo uses different servers, maybe it’s a timezone or sync issue on one of them.

Good day sir and thank you for your reply. Well, I have received 4, once a day, since Tuesday, so Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and today.

You could try to clean the yum cache and do a manual update on cli by executing

yum clean all

yum update --enablerepo=stephdl

and check if it works without errors.

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Thank you, sir, it did seem to work with no errors. I will keep an eye on it. Thank you again

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