An error somewhere, can't update


I’m having the same issue and tried the above

host is an alias for has address

Hi @MadPatrick

Personally, I strongly doubt you are running a non-updated NethServer 7.6 4 years later.
So the problem can not be the same, very simple!

So why are you hijacking a 4 year old post?

Too lazy to create a new, relavant post?
Maybe I’m too lazy to help…

My 2 cents

PS: Never hijack an old, as solved marked post!

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I split to a new topic, please @MadPatrick could you provide some information?

What is your NS version? What are you doing? Any error in /var/log/messages?

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Thanks Andre for your positve reply.
No i’m not lazy, but continuing an thread with the same problem
I thought to keep it a bit together.

Hi David,

Not sure what happened, but i was installing the UPC package and get some errors with some services to start.
so i tried to unistall the package, but could not because the repos were not accesible.

After trying for a few hours i restored an old snapshot and started all over again and the problem did not come back

Thanks for the support

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Hi @MadPatrick

I’m sorry, I was a bit under time presure when I replied, it should not happen.

However, I do maintain that almost every single binary, library, even repos have changed since the last post on that topic, especially the repos…
Secondly, when ticked as solved, no one expects a new problem there - it’s solved. So less people who can help are less likely to read about your problem…

In any case, no hard feelings from my side were really intended, it just broke through when rushed (and to catch a bus)…

My 2 cents

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Hi Andy

No worries.
And you are right the post was solved, but i did not noticed this when posting.

I’m new to Nethserver and a lot of this are still unclear for me :yum: