Akaunting - Free Accounting Software

Can you add a package for Akaunting?

Maybe you could kick it off by writing up installation instructions.

You’ll kind of be on your own for that, since their installation instructions don’t work. Maybe you can ask their devs why that is, or why those instructions are completely different than those on GitHub. Or you could try to adapt another set of instructions for installing Akaunting on CentOS 7 (e.g., https://wpcademy.com/how-to-install-akaunting-on-centos-7/, https://idroot.us/install-akaunting-centos-7/, or https://www.vultr.com/docs/installing-akaunting-on-centos-7, to give just the first three Google results) to Nethserver.

Or you could just drop a one-line request with zero explanation or rationale, and no apparent effort in figuring it out yourself, and have everyone ignore it.


Several tutorials:

Of course, now with have PHP 7.3 and PHP 7.4.

Indeed. So if you want this running on Nethserver, why don’t you write up how to make that happen?

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Subtlety clearly isn’t working, so…

With the caveat that I’m speaking only for myself (I have neither the authority nor the inclination to speak for anyone else), I think you’re missing some important points.

In the F/OSS world, if you think something needs to be done, you have two options:

  • Do it yourself, or
  • Convince someone else to do it

You don’t seem to have any interest in doing it yourself, so I can only assume you’re intending to convince “us” (i.e., the rest of the community at large) to do it. You’re going about this very poorly.

If you want to convince someone (me, for example) to put effort into something, you need to give a reason to do so. You gave no reason at all, only the question and a link. You didn’t even indicate what kind of accounting software it is (household? business? non-profit? inventory? goods and services?), much less who would want to use it, how well it works (do you have any experience with it?), how popular it is, how its system requirements line up with what ships with Neth, etc. You may be thinking at this point that these questions are answered at the link you gave, and some of them are. But if you can’t even be bothered to explain why you want this, why should I put in the effort to figure it out for you? Now, I might give it a try just for the hell of it. Or I might not. Or I might give it a try, run into some trouble, and decide that there are other ways I’d rather use my time.

It goes a long way toward convincing others to help you when you’ve made an effort yourself. So, for example, if you’ve tried following the instructions on the GitHub page, you’ve figured out how to install Composer and NPM, but step 7 (to make up an example at random) continues to give you an error, I’d expect a greater willingness to help you figure it out. But your apparent attitude of “do all the work for me and hand it to me on a silver platter” doesn’t have that effect.

All the foregoing is dealing with just getting the software installed in the first place–building and maintaining a package is a separate issue. And no, I don’t think anyone’s going to build a package for this. It’s a large and complicated web application which doesn’t build its own packages, and as far as I can find, nobody else builds RPMs of it either. The core devs are very resistant to building and maintaining their own software packages (as opposed to the nethserver-* interface packages), reserving that effort only for highly popular/valuable software like Nextcloud–limited resources and all. And IMO, there are much more important things for them to be doing (IPv6, CentOS 8, etc.).

So how about it? Your posts suggest that you should have the skills to at least have a go at this–why not give it a try and see how far you get?