Advice on testing webtop mail from zabbix

Hello @support_team or @webtop_team ,

I have Zabbix 6 LTS installed on a separate server (not on my Nethserver). I’d like to run a daily check to ensure my webtop mail is working by having Zabbix read my webtop mail inbox and look for a specific email which I will send at a specific time each morning.

Has anyone done something similar or can anyone provide some pointers on how I can have Zabbix read my email Inbox?

Thank you.

As zabbix perspective, Nethserver with Webtop is… POP3s and IMAP4s email server. So using webtop might not be that necessary.

However, maybe zabbix can help you to verify if Webtop is allowing login, verifiyng the page…

Hi Pike,

I appreciate your input to my post.

I’m already monitoring my webtop login page. But I had an incident this morning where my webtop was working and internal mail (between my webtop users) all worked. But we couldn’t send or receive mail from outside our network. This got me to thinking how I could leverage zabbix to help me check on my webtop being able to at least receive mail.



Hi Charles

If you have two nodes / sites, it would be easily possible to automate…

On the second site, set up an echo mail account, which is limited to senders from site1 (Too much spam otherwise!). This second site could be at home, at a friends server, anywhere. It just needs to return mail (Using a Mailfilter!).

An echo server will “echo” the mail back to the sender. These were very popular in the 1990s to test mail. Any better provider had one.

On your server, have POP3, IMAP and also SMTP monitored with Zabbix.
You may also want to monitor the MariaDB used by Webtop… Zabbix can do that…

Using Crontab (or whatever you prefer), send a regular mail to the echo server @Testtime
Use a local job to daily verify the maillog on your NethServer and search for that specific mail coming back in, usually 1-2 minutes after you sent it.
This check can be returned to Zabbix and you got a daily, automated test which actually sends and recieve mail and verify’s it.

My 2 cents

Would you please share what was the problem and how did you managed to solve it?

The problem is on my UTM firewall. I’m still looking into root cause. But my Port Forward rule to my Nethserver was the issue. To be sure that my mail is working on a daily basis I thought it might be a good idea to use my Zabbix to check.

Hello @Andy_Wismer ,

Wow! Outstanding answer (as always :slight_smile: ). Thanks very much for these details Andy. I don’t quite understand them fully yet but I will dive into what you’ve suggested and see how to set this up for my Nethserver.



Hi Charles

On Site2, if it’s also a NethServer, you can use eg Roundcube to set a filter-rule to “echo” your mail.
Roundcube uses standard linux mail rules, but provides a web interface to create them. :slight_smile:
I’d also suggest creating a specific user (eg “echomail”) for this task.

A screenshot of this (in german)…

My 2 cents

Use the Crontab Mudule for your local NethServer.