Adding Pppoe client

Hi guys,

I am from Brazil and the most of ISPs need to authentic connection with pppoe, and this feature is very necessary to nethserver up on brazil.

Sorry for my bad english.


Rafael Tavares
Ibinetwork Informática

PPPoE is in my roadmap, I have some past experience, but no ISP to test it now.
Would you like to be a beta tester?

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I could test , rc-pppoe or some fork from OpenWRT- the most stable pppoe client!

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Yes, i am accept to beta test, how to start a beta test?


1 Like Uses OpenWrt

yum install rp-pppoe

Then try to follow some howto like
Keep note of modified files, I’ll help creating templates.

So first of all we need button in Network section on interface to Switch proto to PPPoe - so it should change :
db networks set eth0 ethernet role red hwaddr 5A:E4:97:D9:C4:6F onboot yes bootproto none
After that it should be ppp interface page.
Finnaly we need to change /etc/ppp/chap-secrets - with user name and password from ppp page

How to install pppoe client to test, i am test for you… i waiting…


Rafael Tavares
Ibinetwork Informática

yum install rp-pppoe and configure it and that is all, i could test it on Virt !

I moved a post to a new topic: Install a pppoe client on NethServer

Already released