With Nethserver::password you cannot set the number of characters of your password. I need more than 16 characters
The developer should be able to decide how much long must be his password.
With Nethserver::password you cannot set the number of characters of your password. I need more than 16 characters
The developer should be able to decide how much long must be his password.
Hi @stephdl, there is plenty of options in the object constructor, length included
yep but nothing to use it with something like that
my $password = NethServer::Password::store(‘mysql’,‘length’=>‘64’);
Or I can go to sleep
Grab this line
And add the second argument for new()
new('mysql', { length => 24 })
I gladly accept Pull Requests tonight
Ok, I will test it firstly, I will have other questions later about users authentication. With the two authentication methods I have a bit lost my Latin language.
Even When I reset the password by removing the older in /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/blowfishsecret I have all the time a new password set to 16 characters
Odd ?
I cannot check it now, please be patient
Could you share a code snippet?
if (("$multiaccess" eq "enabled"))
$OUT .="\$cfg['Servers'][\$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';\n";
my $blowfishsecret = NethServer::Password::store('blowfishsecret', { 'length' => 128 } ) || die('Could not generate blowfishsecret!');
$OUT .="\$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = '$blowfishsecret';\n";
See you tomorrow
As said above, use new() not store()
NethServer::Password->new( 'blowfishsecret', { 'length' => 64 }) ->save()->getAscii()
Yep it works, something more simple could be welcome, or at least a perldoc complete page
Merci en tout cas (Thank a lot)
Agree! That call seems voodoo to me …
Mate, don’t you appreciate self-documenting method chaining?
a bit of perldoc done