NethServer Version: NS8 last Version incl. all Updates Module: ntop,dnsmasq, Letsencrypt, etc.
I’ll try to write down a few things I’d like to check. First and foremost, I’m concerned with feasibility. Will we see ntop on NS8, is there an alternative to this? Is it possible to install multiple domain names on one certificate. In other words, if I have an external domain that is but internally I want it to work on the new NS8 system with different domain names, for example ? How does the distribution of IP addresses and DNS information work? DNSMasq only allows to set a range and gateway, how do I get an explicit DNS server addressed? Especially the DNS things I would like to solve via a PI-Hole, would it be an option to run the whole DHCP etc. without DNSMasq, which seems to be more or less useless…
Hello @mrmarkuz thanks again for your good is really incredible what expertise you have and can convey it to a not so experienced person, thank you for your great effort.
I will post the feature request in due course, maybe someone will take pity on me.
Regarding DNSMasq, I had understood that it would not work because the Samba is prioritized as DNS. Does this mean that the settings I would put in there would have the expected function? In other words, would the DNS entries find their destination?
Thanks for the tip about the custom DNS, that’s exactly what I was looking for
It’s possible to use samba DNS together with dnsmasq DHCP (including custom DNS) but the samba DNS doesn’t resolve the DHCP hosts.
Samba DNS can be configured using RSAT from a Windows device or using samba-tool, see also DNS Administration - SambaWiki
Example to create a DNS entry in samba1 using samba-tool:
runagent -m samba1 podman exec -ti samba-dc samba-tool dns add dc1.domain.tld ad.domain.tld myhost A -U administrator
As alternative method you could move the DHCP/DNS servers to the router and setup a conditional DNS forwarder to the NS8 Samba DNS.