7.9 Upgrade runnig mostly tfine


First my upgrade Yesterday is working real fine. With Sogo.5.0.1 and Nextcloud 20…
But how to upgrade the Nextcloud APPS?
My Onlyoffice is not working :frowning:

Login as NextCloud Admin and from the apps menu you can apply any pending updates.
The update to 20 should have completed with all apps up to date though, so you’ll need to check the logs for errors and check the connection for OnlyOffice.


hello Fasttech

Where did i find the logs ?

In /var/log/* is no Nextcloud or Onlyoffice subdir or logfiles with this names :frowning: ?

The onlyoffice app is still an “untested app” yet in Nextcloud 20 but it worked in my test.
Just enable the onlyoffice app and reapply the settings with

signal-event nethserver-onlyoffice-update

and it should work again.

The log for Nextcloud is located in /var/lib/nethserver/nextcloud/nextcloud.log and in Nextcloud UI as Nextcloud admin under Settings/Logging.

Onlyoffice logs to /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver/*