100+ Nethserver 8 apps available to date, please assist in verifiying


There are now 100+ Nethsever 8 Applications (aka apps) available!

These apps are available from various repositories, and the apps may vary in state of maturity and useability (Alpha, Beta etc.). The many apps are available and listed in many different (web)places and you missing out on an app is too easy.

All the apps have now been added to the wiki as a central directory and can be found on the new ns8 wiki section here. For your convenience, you can filter the 100+ apps in several ways.

By no means it is perfect, complete or correct, so you are kindly requsted to check the facts, check the functionality of an app of your interest, and report back to the forum. The link to the forums for each app is included, so you can simply add your feedback to that.

So the applications directory on the wiki is a living thing, so check regularly and keep an eye on announcements on the forums!

Thanks for your help to make the latest info as accurtae as possible.

Also your kind attention to the apps developers, there info can also be found with each app on the wiki. https://wiki.nethserver.org/ please bookmark it.

Thanks and enjoy!


In Geniusd repository Arkcase, matrix is still in development

As indicated on each app page:

The ArkCase app announcement TBA

The Matrix app announcement TBA

I anticipated on that, hence TBA, nevertheless, a bit of marketing for your work can do no harm :wink:

Yeah sure :smiley: :grinning:

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So, here we go!

Can you also add some where for suggestions for the apps that can be added to nethserver

WOW, this must have taken alot of Effort. Thumbs Up and Kudos to the works you have done to compile the List of Apps.

A significant Number of the Apps would very soon be beta, We need to validate a few test cases, as Msot Alpha Apps Have been completed.

Alot of the Beta Apps, Should soon be Release candidate. Our biggest challenge and most time consuming is Testing Of Apps. We hope to get more support in that angle.

@alefattorini could you kindly restore login with github on the wiki site, if within means.

@kemboielvis22 since @LayLow has already done the Heavy Lifting of Adding the Apps on the Wiki, together with individual Pages, I think we can follow suite, and Add the corresponding Documentations for Installing, configuring and Suing the Applications.

Does wiki support md files. I have never used md files before

I am designing a better documentation for the individual apps

That’s a big big job!

Meme Reaction GIF

I’m going to work on the wiki over the next days…

As I stated here

We need 1-2 community members like @mrmarkuz or @stephdl who want to test and certify some of those apps at level alpha to promote them to the next level. So we can start with the certification program. Thhese are the points to validate

Software Center Checklist

Certification requirements valid for all to enter the Software Center - in NethForge/Default/Subscription repository:

  • Does not break anything.
  • Does not crash during usage.
  • LDAP integration (if possible).
  • Optional backup/restore, but if included, must work well.
  • Functional clone/move.
  • Functional update management.
  • Translation support.
  • In the About page:
    • Contact information for the supporting company/person (name, website, email).
    • Links to the original project and app’s source repository.
    • Link to the manual/documentation page.
    • Clarification on support duration, update management, and upstream upgrade (update frequency, major release).

App Info page

The App Info page of each app in the software center should display:

  • The list of certified requirements.
  • The certifier (Nethesis, another company, or entity).
  • Author.
  • Version date.
  • [Number of installations / Rating].

AFAIK, dokuwiki doesn’t support markdown (md) files. There are some plugins that can make dokuwiki accept basic markdown syntax (mostly excluding extended syntax).

There are local tools and also online converters from markdown to dokuwiki syntax (including the pandoc one that also shows how to use pandoc command line tool).

As you have used github, there, markdown is used for simple documentation (github extended basic markdown syntax with its github flavored markdown). For more complex features github also supports .rst (restructured text syntax). .md vs .rst · community · Discussion #86067 · GitHub

It does now…


@dnutan could you test pls? md rendering goes before wiki rendering

works partially. Most basic markdown is rendered correctly but there are problems with line breaks at least on code and comments

Thanks for taking a look. Keep it or ditch it and go all wiki markup?

I’d say ditch it and keep original wiki markup, more reliable over time and no dependency on plugins.


Done, thanks.

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