Hi I’m a new user of NethServer and Discourse so I’m sorry if I’m missing something obvious.
I’ve set up a server to try as replacement for Zentyal and also saw your write up in Linux Voice.
Set-up was very easy and the extra features are great.
Everything in users and email address I understand (I think) but I’m stuck on an option for a new user.
I would like to be able to set the default “from” address used in SOGO but I see no way to change this.
I have 3 domains listed
adomain.com (family)
bdomain.com (work)
local.domain (internal)
I set up new.user and make sure to unselect “Create default email addresses” then create 2 external email addresses
Once this change shows to the user the “from:” dropdown shows both valid email addresses.
How do I make new.user@bdomain.com the default?
I thought this might be under User Preferences > Mail Options or in the Services section of the user panel but can’t see an option to edit the selection order in either of these places.
Is there a way to do this either per user or for the server as a whole?