POP3 Connector on Nethserver 7

Continuing the discussion from Try out NethServer 7 alpha 3!:

Does NS7 need a POP3 Connector? is it still used?
if yes, should ns stay with Fetchmail or evaluate others tool like Getmail or ???

in other words i’m the only one to use it? :slight_smile:

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fetchmail on 6.7 is running as a service. It can’t be ported to 7 as is. We could rewrite it to run as a cron job, but we will still suffer from the same limitations fetchmail has always had.
Over time fetchmail gave problems like:
bouncing mails
loosing mails
stopping mail download
disk full due to excessive logging
cryptic error messages
duplication of mails
loosing track of downloaded emails if keep copy on server
big emails never downloaded and blocking further downloads

Also see:

So, if we really need to invest time on a pop3 connector, I’d prefer to throw away fetchmail and getmail seems to be the best candidate to replace fetchmail.

Another option would be something like this:

I can offer my support to someone willing to develop a getmail add-on (I have a working prototype).
Maybe a bounty could help finding some volunteer.

What do you think?


No, you’re not alone. I too use this to handle half a dozen e-mail accounts.


I really don’t hope NS7 is going to drop the POP3 Connector (though its name is misleading if you use IMAP). In this case I would not upgrade, it’s definitely a feature I need.
There is one more way the user experience could be improved: As far as I know, only the administrators can set up fetchmail (or getmail) settings for user mailboxes. It would be nice if users could do the job themselves so they don’t have to bother the admins if they have changed the external mailbox credentials, for example.
NS7 alpha 2 worked like a charm for me, the connector was the only thing I missed.

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That would be done using the roundcube plugin I linked.

I like this kind of constructive discussion, keep on suggesting features and usage scenarios, we could come up with a better implementation.

So far:

  1. user can set his connector
  2. pop3 is misleading

What about:

  1. frequency of new mail checks?
  2. option to keep mail on server for n days then delete
  3. anything else?

What about:

  1. frequency of new mail checks?
  2. option to keep mail on server for n days then delete
  3. anything else?
  1. Scheduling the mail checks on a per user basis would be nice. Some might prefer to fetch their mails every 5 mins, others every two. But I think there should be the option to define it globally, too.
  2. Sounds great! I ususally leave the mails on the server when I configure it initially until I’ve checked that everything works. This might be a better way.
  3. The roundcube plugin looks very promising but would it work with SOGo? I thought mails would be stored as MAILDIR(+), not in a SQL DB. Maybe I’m wrong…
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As @filippo_carletti and @giacomo pointed out: Getmail is ready to test on 7. @kuhn_michael @EddieA @dz00te @Enzo @joncolby would you like to help?

Just released, will be synced soon to all mirrors!

@dz00te thanks for testing :slight_smile: great shot! :v:

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I will continue testing at the return from vacation, next Monday
Do you know if a conversion script for fetchmail config is planned?

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For now no migration script is planned since fetchmail is not present at all on NS 7.
Also, importing from 6 to 7 has still an unresolved issue: how to map users?

strange, I am using the pop3 connector and I cant live without it… Eish.

I dont use roundcube mmy 2 main servers both are on 6.8. my lab machine is running 7. will the getmail be any beter, else Im gonna have to leave my main servers on 6.
@alefattorini I will gladly test with it.



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Hi guys,

Im not sure why, I keep getting the error of:

"Task completed with errors
Applying changes #2 (exit status 1)
YumRPMCheckError] [ u’ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve’,‘nethserver-spamd is needed by nethserver-getmail-1.0.0-1.ns7.noarch’]

The only package that this effects is the POP-Connector. in NS7…

Not sre why…


Got the same error today.
There is a newer package in testing repo:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-getmail

See POP3 Connector and Nethserver 7


Try this: Try out Nethserver 7 beta1

Has nethserver-spamd.

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Sorry! I didn’t see your post!

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No problem. I did try that but I jut keep getting:

Transaction check error:
file /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults/spamassassin/access from install of nethserver-spamd-0.0.1-1.ns7.noarch conflicts with file from package nethserver-p3scan-1.1.0-1.ns7.noarch
file /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/mail/spamassassin/bwlist.cf/10wbl from install of nethserver-spamd-0.0.1-1.ns7.noarch conflicts with file from package nethserver-p3scan-1.1.0-1.ns7.noarch

If you would like to try with:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing install nethserver-p3scan nethserver-getmail

You Sir @dnutan are a Genius.

Thank you, works like a CHarm…



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It seems I forgot to push one rpm to updates repo, I’m in vacation but I will fix as soon as possible!

Edit: done, nethserver-spamd package will be soon synced to mirrors.

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