NS8 - Roundcube: Operation not authorized

Hello i have a question
NS8 i need to run RoundCube in ns8 how i run it i created mail server but this mail when i try to add it in roundcube settings there is no mail server in settings of roundcube and there is a message Get status: Operation not authorized please help me and give me steps to run it

Do you have a working account provider (AD or openLDAP)?
So you have the Mail App. Is it configured? Does it show e-mail accounts?

You have Roundcube App installed on the same NS8 node, but you cannot configure it because the list to select an e-mail server is not populated.

Did I understood correctly the situation?

Exactly where is that message shown on? (screenshoot in english if possilbe)

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A post was split to a new topic: NS8 - Roundcube: e-mail address auto-complete not working

and the solution to the above problem was…?