New NethSecurity official site

During the past months, I worked on establishing a reference point for the NethSecurity project, especially for those unfamiliar with it who are approaching it for the first time.

I collaborated with the product manager and other team members to develop a new website and redefine the project’s image.

Our aim was to highlight the project’s key points and its various functionalities.

As the release candidate and final release approached, there was an urgent need for communication materials (see Distrowatch).

Here it is, I hope you like it! The next step is the NethServer website :slight_smile:


would it be possible to make some of the components on the website abit live, instead of more static, unless static is the approach you chose.

basically, some hover effect for this cards

and others

It was a stylistic choice: static, one color, no fancy, very fast


May I suggest using SME instead of SMB?

In Networking, SMB signifies Server Mounted Block, another term for CIFS or Microsoft Networking.
SME doesn’t really have any close connections like that.

Both are generally accepted terms, but SME is more used.

My 2 cents

Good suggestion. I’ll do some research on SEO relevance

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