Multi Domain support for mail

I’d like to see multi domain support for mail in NethServer.
Why: a lot of companies, even small companies have multiple domains for their activities. Not only,, but also and, and
Having the option to receive and send mail for all these domains would be a HUGE advantage over other solutions that do not provide this feature.

A way this could be implemented:
Have a main domain for Samba
Have virtual domains for the other domains
create mail aliases for those other domains per account in the main domain.

SOGo supports this (I have it working with another distro) I don’t know if Samba3 supports this. If not, then it should be high on the list after Samba4 has been introduced.

If I have understood correctly you request NethServer is already a multi-domain mailserver:

NethServer can handle an unlimited number of mail domains, configurable from the Email > Domains page*

The system enables the creation of an unlimited number of email addresses also known as pseudonyms, from the Email addresses page. Each address is associated with a system user or group owning a mailbox (see User and group mailboxes). It can be enabled on all configured domains or only on specific domains.

Check also Email — NethServer 7 Final
Let me know if it helps

ah… COOL!
Still new to NS… :wink: (wonder how long I can hide behind that… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Maybe we should write something about, expanding this good article: