Looking for native English speakers

I must admit that my English is pretty bad :confounded: recently writing a few stuff like newsletter and blog posts I realized that I need now more than ever of someone who can look through my drafts, proofreading the texts.
Anyone available to help me? I could pay with goodies :wink:
Just a few names come to my mind @painkiller895 @macwunder @Adam @Sean_Maloney @petralemoisson @Gardia @Raximus @medworthy @Huxy @tim @tzar @EddieA @jmbak @Bluelake @xmechanic @Steven_Queue @WillZen @Rustie
We might build togheter the ā€œWrite grammatically correct English Teamā€ :guardsman:

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My wife is a professional editor with a masters degree in communications. Iā€™m pretty sure we can help.

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That beats my college English and spelling / grammar OCD. You win.

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@alefattorini your English isnā€™t that bad, but my first suggestion is to change the topic title to "native English speakerā€™.


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I could help someā€¦

Cheers Keith (Blue lake)

Count me in

I might help, iā€™ve did some technical writing.

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Sorry. I canā€™t help. I am a native German speaker and my English is as good as yours. :sob:

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itā€™s ok @WillZen not only you :smiley:

Donā€™t worry, I read Australia on your profile and forgot your European origins :smiley:

@Adam @fasttech @Bluelake @tzar thanks for your answer to my cry for help, would you mind working on google docs? Could you send me privately your google account if you have one? Thanks again, you are saving the world from my bad English :smiling_imp:

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Hi Alessio

My google account is...keith.chadwicj45@gmail.com

cheers Keith

Hi Alessio

oopsā€¦bad spelling!
my google email is keith.chadwick@gmail.com
and the account isā€¦https://plus.google.com/u/0/118264740492956968420

cheers Keith (Blue lake)

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Iā€™m a programmer, therefore even though I speak English, I canā€™t spell to save my life! :wink:

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Sorry, I am a native french speaker, my english is very average.

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I have also done some technical writing and have produced some non-technical end-user documentation / guides in the past, I am also a native English (British) speaker, if I can be of any helpā€¦

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Thanks guys, I just created our Native English Speakers team:
@medworthy, @Huxy, @Bluelake, @tzar, @Adam, @fasttech


I could help someā€¦

Cheers Keith (Blue lake)

Hi Alessio

oopsā€¦bad spelling!
my google email is keith.chadwick@gmail.com
and the account isā€¦https://plus.google.com/u/0/118264740492956968420

cheers Keith (Blue lake)