Okay, so let’s go:
The home page is mysterious and don’t inform what is Nethserver, neither what Nethserver able to do:
I would suggest to fusion the main page and the actual learn more page, and made a learn more page to show the webgui, the history, the background…
The home page has a contradiction:
“NethServer is an operating system for Linux enthusiasts, designed for small offices and medium enterprises”
By experience, I know that an enterprise and small business don’t like to lead with community!
An entreprise, or SME, can lead with another enterprise, a smaller enterprise ( until a Freelancer ).
I would suggest to not target anything ( design for small office and medium enterprise), but to present Nethserver as a product, or to present what Nethserver is and what it can do.
And let the visitor decide how he can use Nethserver.
He could be member of a big enterprise, or member of a SME, the boss, a director of a sector, an employee, a freelance or home user.
Who care the size of the activity? Just present the fancy Nethserver, the modularity, the versatility.
Canonicall at begin has two sites.
ubuntu.org, for the community, canonical was behind, a little hidden.
ubuntu.com, to present the activity, to present the service, Canonical was under the light, and the community behind
This way, the linux enthusiat went for the community and enterprises, SME, went for Connonicall.