I could watch the last 20 minutes live. And I must say the ‘shares’ discussion is a valid one. Especially what Filippo said that there must be a wll chosen sustainable solution for Nethserver, and not anything that someone would like to see be made available.
Sustainable in a way that the solution must be usable on multi platform and is scalable so when the time is there to have multi server (also a feature that will be implemented in NS7) the filesharing module can grow with NS.
Now what would be a good way of looking towards this particular module?
Would it be platform? protocol? security?
Should we stick to a ‘single-solution-fits-all’? Or would it be wise to make multiple options available?
There are already multiple options:
What I can imagine that some newer options will be considered too, like ZFS and Gluster. Especially when it comes to scalability, these are options that can be used over multiple instances of NS.
But also an integration of owncloud with home directories would be a great feature. Then standard CIFS shares can be accessed through owncloud.