I feel left behind

  • Software updates (OS-level)
  • Network configuration
  • Reboot/shut down the server

stop, start , disable at boot, enable at boot individual containers


Network and storage for. Me would be the biggest pain solved.
Partitions etc. Similar or. More to what NS7 allowed in disk and storage management.

As for. Network I. Am not surr,. Maybe someone else could chip in, I just know I need some. Core network things manageable in ns

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Did you mean apps, because a single tappa could have multiple containers.

Yes indeed. I mean all what is required for the app. Thanks

I really think this is the case. There are doubtless plenty of places where I’m just expecting too much, but some core applications–MariaDB and the web server stand out to me–are still in Nethforge, which denotes beta status. But Mattermost and Ejabberd are stable? I can understand that feature parity with the existing modules for NS7 may have been too much to hope for, but this really looks like misplaced priorities.

A big hole here, especially for existing NS7 users, is just “how to do things under the new paradigm.” We’ve been doing config setprop foo bar and signal-event baz for a long time, and that system has gone away. That is what it is, and let’s say there are plenty of good reasons for it, but what do we do now? How can we change configuration options of an app at the CLI, or can we at all? The apps are running in containers now; how can we access them to troubleshoot? Where is their data stored? And no doubt several related questions. A link to “Podman for Dummies” (which I presume exists in some form) would no doubt help, but there’d need to be something explaining how NS8 uses it.


Some ideas about customization:

I think we need to care about making apps customizable like it’s done for example for the mail app:

There’s also an environment file that can be used to add custom parameters to the apps.

With NS7 we had a good process of writing useful commands to the wiki, see howto:useful_commands [NethServer Wiki]
More common customizations were added to the admin manual or implemented in the NS7 module.

Maybe we need a migration guide for the webserver app as in NS7 it was Apache webserver whereas in NS8 we use Nginx reverse proxy that implies config changes like additional headers or htaccess files. (There’s a converter but I didn’t test: htaccess to nginx converter)

That’s the point but I’m convinced that NS8 has the potential to grow to a really good product like NS7 but it will take some time to get user experiences, find solutions and document them.


Maybe am I talking jibberish, but what about a tool that automagically converts existing docker images to NS8 apps. If supported by the image, preferably using the existing account provider…
(one can dream)

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does this mean those already running in nethserver 7 or generalised docker images.

If geenralised docker images, after building way too many apps, i can understand how this is not possible.

some apps have environments, way too many, others not so much, some are mandatory others not.

other env variables relates to others, while others do not.

an easier option would be something akin to what coolify.io achieves with its service based system for docker compose files, however even in that, abit of customization is required for more complex apps.

am not sure what you mean by this. but i can tell you for sure, no any ldap integration is the same across apps, others easier others harder, and different style mappings.

I beleive the dev team is also learning these things

I think it is important to be honest, and constructive to where NS7 and NS8 are in the process currently. So here goes…

I get all the long hours, sweat, blood and tears the NethDev’s have put in to NS8 to get it to where it is today. What a great job the NethDev’s have done so far! Especially with NS8 mostly being from scratch. So I want to let you know I appreciate your hard work on moving forward to the goal of moving NS8 towards being stable.

We have heard many people from the community speak up lately. These are people who use NS in real production / live environments. Giving honest feedback.

I want to see NS8 as stable. But its not hard to put 2 and 2 together. One specific indicator is just looking at the forums alone. Fortunately at some point this will subside and it will be a non-issue. At that time all for the most part will be well with NS8. But that’s not now.

In fact right now, IMO is not a good time to pull the rug out from under your community, NS user and small business account feet. I don’t think its time to close shop on NS7 yet. NS7 is the stable release and factor you should keep and need to make sure people stay onboard, as well as to allow new people to be able to experience a stable version of Nethserver until NS8 is truly at a point where you can say it is stable.

I agree with others here. There are just too many missing or challenges happening with NS8 right now to call it stable.

We are at a cross roads. I have seen this play out so many times within the tech industry. I don’t think rushing this is the right move. (forcing this move down your user bases of faithful community members, faithful NS users and faithful small businesses throats)

I think there is wisdom in knowing when to wait and when to move on a respectable time frame.

I believe that time frame was experienced in building NS7 to what it has become. I think that roadmap can be experienced still with NS8.

You have enough historical evidence in the tech industry of what happens when you rush things. (I don’t even think I have to name anything - most people know and have seen it for themselves)

No need to have NethServer experience those issues like others entities and companies did in the tech industry.

But, this of course is your baby. Your steering the ship and yet at the same time you certainly didn’t get to this point alone or by yourself. Many people in this project / community have had a hand in molding and making it. My hope is that you may listen to your community, NS users, and small businesses users as well.



I completely agree with you.
I would be happy if PHP could miraculously be brought up to date. Some plugins on WordPress are no longer updatable, for me an absolute problem to be solved in the near future.

If this could be solved independently of the Centos base, I wouldn’t have to struggle with ISPConfig to find a viable alternative to NS7.


Hi @capote

I am looking at ISPconfig and so far, I must say it is very interesting.
I have to look at it more deeply.


I use control webpan(cwp) has better security rules and config.

Hi Martin,

7 Years in Development, 50 Partners, 35000 Servers Running CWP.

35000 Servers Running CWP compared to 40000 downloads/month for ISPconfig ???


@michelandre the number is actually higher, and that’s the number of business plan servers

Hi Martin,

Dedication 100%, Support 98%, Goal Achieved 18%.

Goal Achieved 18% ???

It’s a long way from the cup to the lips.


How about both and the user can pick?

CentOS 7 is about to go EOL. Once that happens, we won’t have a supported upstream distro for NS7. I don’t believe it’s anything close to realistic to expect Neth to maintain a distro themselves. Like it or not (and I’m not sure I do), people need to plan to be on NS8 by July, three months from now.

Yes. CentOS 7 is about to go EOL. This doesn’t mean NS7 has to die. Aren’t most people going to be installing Rocky Linux 9 or AlmaLinux 9 as their underlining OS for NS8? If that is the case… What about a migration path for CentOS7 with NS7 to Rocky Linux 9 or AlmaLinux 9.

What about a migration path for NS7 to Rocky Linux like -



What about a migration path for NS7 to AlmaLinux -

I think this should work…




I think if it would work, it’s what the devs would have done. They didn’t do the work to create NS8 just for S&G.